Feature request #20863

store Layer Name in style file

Added by Jochen Schwarze about 6 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:28682


It would be a good idea to save the layer name in style files.

It could be argued that in QGIS 2, without the ability to select which layer characteristics to save, the reusability of a style file would be limited for other layers. But at the latest for QGIS 3, where this choice exists, there should be the possibility to save the layer name with. In particular, since, for example, when using categorized or even rule-based renderers, the style depends to such an extent on the attribute structure of the table that its use is virtually impossible for other tables.

cp. https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/306541/store-human-readable-layer-name-in-qgis-style-files/306544#306544

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