Bug report #17587

New features with primary key and autoincrement field can not saved in a spatialite database in QGIS master

Added by Gerhard Spieles about 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Category:Data Provider/SpatiaLite
Affected QGIS version:master Regression?:Yes
Operating System:win 10 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed/implemented
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:25484


After digitizing a new feature in a spatialite based layer, qgis opens the form to enter the data.
The field "pkuid" (defined in the db as primary key and autoincrement) contains "NULL" and the save button is grey. You can only activate the save button, if you manualy makes an entry in this field. This is not "autoincrement".

In 2.18.14, this works correct. In the form, the "pkuid" field is blank and the save button ist aktiv. Press the save button and spatialte db gives the autoincrement number automaticaly.


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 7 years ago

  • Regression? changed from No to Yes

#2 Updated by Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV almost 7 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed/implemented
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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