Support #10324

Error uploading plugin to repository

Added by Kris Hammerberg about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:2014-05-22
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Alessandro Pasotti% Done:


Target version:-
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Tag:


I'm trying to upload my first plugin to:

I keep getting the following error:

There were errors reading plugin package (please check also your plugin's metadata). Package name must start with an ASCII letter and can contain ASCII letters, digits and the signs '-' and '_'.

My package name is "DEMTools" and I've checked the plugin's metadata file, but everything looks to be in order. This error message doesn't give me a lot to go on and I've never uploaded a plugin before. I doubt it is a bug with the uploader, but rather some error I've made. Are there some common issues I should look for or is there some detailed guide to creating a plugin package for upload?

I've attached the plugin package zip file that is causing the error. Any help is greatly appreciated. (40.8 KB) Kris Hammerberg, 2014-05-22 03:41 AM


#1 Updated by Alessandro Pasotti about 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Alessandro Pasotti
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Please see here:

Your zipfile contains a top folder named "Qgis repo" instead of the plugin name (DEMTool).

I agree that the error message is misleading, I will change it in

The name of the top level directory inside the zip package must start with an ASCII letter and can only contain ASCII letters, digits and the signs '-' and '_'.

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