Grga Franges

  • Registered on: 2015-12-10
  • Last connection: 2019-05-22


Reported issues: 1


11:41 AM QGIS Application Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
Several bug reports have been marked as duplicates and merged with this one, but i feel it's description doesnt repre...


02:50 AM QGIS Application Bug report #13482: only first element selectable in spatialite layer
I also notice this behavior on spatialite database created by "Offline editing" tool. I have to note that the ID is n...
02:44 AM QGIS Application Bug report #13970 (Closed): Relation reference widget does not retain values
After a relation reference widget is filled, form closed and layer edits saved, the id of related feature is saved in...

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