Devdatta Tengshe

  • Registered on: 2012-10-22
  • Last connection: 2014-01-16


Reported issues: 4


12:51 AM QGIS Application Feature request #9364 (Open): Provide a UI for creating custom Projection
I often have to work with data, which is my Country's statutory projection. This is a custom LCC Projection, which do...
12:42 AM QGIS Application Feature request #9363 (Open): Buffer tool should provide a way of using Units other than data sou...
Often I have data in Geographic Lat-long and want to buffer them to 1km or something similar.
The current way to do...


08:54 PM QGIS Application Feature request #6559 (Closed): The Icons for the QGIS Browser & Application need to be different.
In Windows, the shortcut to the Quantum GIS Desktop and Quantum GIS Browser appear in the Start Menu and look very si...

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