Bug report #6898

Updated by René-Luc ReLuc almost 6 years ago

When trying to use SLD with QGIS mapserver including SLD in GetMap requests qgis-mapserver tries to fetch the SLD-file using only http. Having SLD=https:///www.foo.de/mysld.xml is taken as http:///www.foo.de/mysld.xml - if sld-files are only available via https qgis mapserver can not fetch them. A "premature end of script" error is thrown.

As another side-effect using SLD=https:///www.foo.de:443/mysld.xml with results in a 400 bad request error, because qgis mapserver tries to ftech http:///www.foo.de:443/...

Solution: qgis mapserver should respect https (well, how to handle self-signed certificates then?)
