Bug report #16178

Updated by Nyall Dawson about 6 years ago

Note: does not affects only PostGIS layers


I ran a GDAL Processing algorithm today on a PostGIS layer and noticed that the algorithm ignores the feature filter on the input layer. This resulted in incorrect results since the output used data that I had filtered out of the input layer. It appears the problem is in the construction of the GDAL call, where the connection details are passed to GDAL but the -sql option is not used to pass the filter.

Steps to reproduce:

# Add PostGIS layer to map

# Set feature filter so that layer represents only a subset of the original table

# Run GDAL Rasterize (vector to raster) tool in Processing

Expected result:

New raster layer has nodata where features have been filtered out of the source layer.

Actual result:

New raster layer has data in places where features should have been filtered out.
