Bug report #12479
Updated by Nyall Dawson almost 7 years ago
I have been working with the gdal 2.0.0 development code for a while and have noticed that due to the implementation of gdal RFC 41, code changes will be needed so that qgis will react in the same way with bot gdal 1.* and 2.*.
All of the changes are in
in the functions
- QgsOgrProvider::subLayers()
- QgsOgrProvider::getOgrGeomType
Also there is a problem in
- QgsOgrProvider::setSubsetString
where the needed dialect parameter is set to NULL instead of "OGRSQL"
All 3 cases effect only table that have MORE than 1 geometry.
Up to gdal 1.11.2, each geometry field is treated as 1 layer.
Starting with gdal 2.0 each table is treated a 1 layer and the geometry fields of that table must be retrieved.
For QgsOgrProvider::getOgrGeomType only one line must be changed:
<pre>geomType = OGR_FD_GetGeomType( fdef );</pre>
<pre>geomType = OGR_GFld_GetType(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(fdef, 0));</pre>
For subLayers() it is a bit more comlecated, since now 2 loops are needed
1) Layer
2) fields of layers
if ( !mSubLayerList.isEmpty() )
return mSubLayerList;
int layer_number=0; // depending on the gdal-version being used, the final result may be different that the result of layerCount()
int layer_count=layerCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < layer_count ; i++ )
OGRLayerH layer = OGR_DS_GetLayer( ogrDataSource, i );
OGRFeatureDefnH fdef = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( layer );
QString theLayerName = FROM8( OGR_FD_GetName( fdef ) );
int fieldCount=OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldCount(fdef);
for(int j=0; j<fieldCount; j++ )
QString theLayerFieldName = FROM8(OGR_GFld_GetNameRef(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(fdef,j)));
OGRwkbGeometryType layerGeomType=OGR_GFld_GetType(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(fdef,j))
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "layerGeomType = %1" ).arg( layerGeomType ) );
if ( layerGeomType != wkbUnknown )
{ // gdal up to version 1.11.2 will return a layer-name using the ogr-format 'table_name(field_name)'. gdal starting with 2.0.0 will only return the table_name
int theLayerFeatureCount = OGR_L_GetFeatureCount( layer, j );
QString geom = ogrWkbGeometryTypeName( layerGeomType );
// QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "subLayers(%1) layer[%2 - %3/%4] OGR_FD_GetName[%5] field_count[%6/%7] OGR_GFld_GetNameRef[%8] layerGeomType[%9] feature_count[%10]" ).arg(GDALVersionInfo( "RELEASE_NAME" )).arg(layer_number).arg(i).arg(layer_count).arg( theLayerName).arg(j).arg(fieldCount).arg( theLayerFieldName).arg(layerGeomType).arg(theLayerFeatureCount), tr( "OGR" ) );
QString layer_name=QString("%1(%2)").arg( theLayerName ).arg(theLayerFieldName);
if ((fieldCount == 1) || (theLayerName.endsWith( QString("(%1)").arg(theLayerFieldName))))
{ // gdal previous 2.0: on tables with 1 geometry, may not use the ogr-format 'table_name(field_name)' ; or already formatted in the ogr-format 'table_name(field_name)'
mSubLayerList << QString( "%1:%2:%3:%4" ).arg( layer_number++ ).arg(layer_name).arg( theLayerFeatureCount == -1 ? tr( "Unknown" ) : QString::number( theLayerFeatureCount ) ).arg( geom );
{ // This may not be needed
QgsDebugMsg( "Unknown geometry type, count features for each geometry type" );
All of the OGR function used existed in both in gdal 1.* and 2.*.
The main difference between 1.* and 2.0 is that label-name syntax 'table_name(field_name)'
in 1.*: may only be used in a table with more than 1 geometry
in 2.* may be used for all geometries fields
Unfortunately I cannot test this on the present master code, since I cannot get it compiled.
This is the reason I have not submitted a diff or pull request.
These changes were tested on the qgis that I use and can compile (2.1.0) and return that same result when using gdal 1.11.2 and the present gdal 2.0.0dev code.
I have, however, looked a the ogr specific code in the areas that were change and it looksthe same to me.
The only difference is that now a <pre>if ( wkbFlatten( layerGeomType ) != wkbUnknown )</pre> is done, but since there is no 'wkbUnknown25D' there is noting to flatten and is really not needed.
All of the changes are in
in the functions
- QgsOgrProvider::subLayers()
- QgsOgrProvider::getOgrGeomType
Also there is a problem in
- QgsOgrProvider::setSubsetString
where the needed dialect parameter is set to NULL instead of "OGRSQL"
All 3 cases effect only table that have MORE than 1 geometry.
Up to gdal 1.11.2, each geometry field is treated as 1 layer.
Starting with gdal 2.0 each table is treated a 1 layer and the geometry fields of that table must be retrieved.
For QgsOgrProvider::getOgrGeomType only one line must be changed:
<pre>geomType = OGR_FD_GetGeomType( fdef );</pre>
<pre>geomType = OGR_GFld_GetType(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(fdef, 0));</pre>
For subLayers() it is a bit more comlecated, since now 2 loops are needed
1) Layer
2) fields of layers
if ( !mSubLayerList.isEmpty() )
return mSubLayerList;
int layer_number=0; // depending on the gdal-version being used, the final result may be different that the result of layerCount()
int layer_count=layerCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < layer_count ; i++ )
OGRLayerH layer = OGR_DS_GetLayer( ogrDataSource, i );
OGRFeatureDefnH fdef = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( layer );
QString theLayerName = FROM8( OGR_FD_GetName( fdef ) );
int fieldCount=OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldCount(fdef);
for(int j=0; j<fieldCount; j++ )
QString theLayerFieldName = FROM8(OGR_GFld_GetNameRef(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(fdef,j)));
OGRwkbGeometryType layerGeomType=OGR_GFld_GetType(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(fdef,j))
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "layerGeomType = %1" ).arg( layerGeomType ) );
if ( layerGeomType != wkbUnknown )
{ // gdal up to version 1.11.2 will return a layer-name using the ogr-format 'table_name(field_name)'. gdal starting with 2.0.0 will only return the table_name
int theLayerFeatureCount = OGR_L_GetFeatureCount( layer, j );
QString geom = ogrWkbGeometryTypeName( layerGeomType );
// QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "subLayers(%1) layer[%2 - %3/%4] OGR_FD_GetName[%5] field_count[%6/%7] OGR_GFld_GetNameRef[%8] layerGeomType[%9] feature_count[%10]" ).arg(GDALVersionInfo( "RELEASE_NAME" )).arg(layer_number).arg(i).arg(layer_count).arg( theLayerName).arg(j).arg(fieldCount).arg( theLayerFieldName).arg(layerGeomType).arg(theLayerFeatureCount), tr( "OGR" ) );
QString layer_name=QString("%1(%2)").arg( theLayerName ).arg(theLayerFieldName);
if ((fieldCount == 1) || (theLayerName.endsWith( QString("(%1)").arg(theLayerFieldName))))
{ // gdal previous 2.0: on tables with 1 geometry, may not use the ogr-format 'table_name(field_name)' ; or already formatted in the ogr-format 'table_name(field_name)'
mSubLayerList << QString( "%1:%2:%3:%4" ).arg( layer_number++ ).arg(layer_name).arg( theLayerFeatureCount == -1 ? tr( "Unknown" ) : QString::number( theLayerFeatureCount ) ).arg( geom );
{ // This may not be needed
QgsDebugMsg( "Unknown geometry type, count features for each geometry type" );
All of the OGR function used existed in both in gdal 1.* and 2.*.
The main difference between 1.* and 2.0 is that label-name syntax 'table_name(field_name)'
in 1.*: may only be used in a table with more than 1 geometry
in 2.* may be used for all geometries fields
Unfortunately I cannot test this on the present master code, since I cannot get it compiled.
This is the reason I have not submitted a diff or pull request.
These changes were tested on the qgis that I use and can compile (2.1.0) and return that same result when using gdal 1.11.2 and the present gdal 2.0.0dev code.
I have, however, looked a the ogr specific code in the areas that were change and it looksthe same to me.
The only difference is that now a <pre>if ( wkbFlatten( layerGeomType ) != wkbUnknown )</pre> is done, but since there is no 'wkbUnknown25D' there is noting to flatten and is really not needed.