Bug report #9440
Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 6 years ago
When there is only one column in a database table, it is displayed on the canvas, and nothing is shown on the table itself.
If there is >1 geom column, all those not displayed in the canvas are shown on the table. This has several problems:
* it is confusing for the user
* it slows down table reading considerably
* it may cause loss of data if the user accidentally modifies the WKT geometry displayed (untested).
Better not displaying any geometry column.
If there is >1 geom column, all those not displayed in the canvas are shown on the table. This has several problems:
* it is confusing for the user
* it slows down table reading considerably
* it may cause loss of data if the user accidentally modifies the WKT geometry displayed (untested).
Better not displaying any geometry column.