Bug report #9829

Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 7 years ago

two layers with identical fields, say in dxf, let's call them A and B. Some fields have a name longer than ten chars.

One other layer, called C, created by saving A as shapefile.

The goal is now to copy paste all entities from B to C, so in the end I only have one layer with all data.

C in edition mode.

Selection of all entities in B, copy, paste in C, save C.

Problem : all attributes of the pasted entities are lost in version 2.2. NULL in every field.

In version 2.1, only the truncated fields (due to the ten chars limitation of shp) would be written NULL.

So it is actually worse in 2.2.

1. Could we get back the ability to at least correctly past attributes in the fields not truncated,

2. Could we gat the option (tickbox ?...) to force the copy of all attributes even if the field name is truncated in the shp ?

Thank you.
