Bug report #16422

Updated by Alexander Bruy about 7 years ago

If SAGA is not installed with osgeo4w then Processing has always allowed to use and external SAGA installation by configuring the proper path in Processing configurations.

While testing the support for SAGA LTR I therefore downloaded


uncompressed and pointed Processing to it.

Processing correctly recognizes SAGA and SAGA version, tools open and are run, but ultimately they fail. This does not happen if used SAGA ltr is the one shipped with osgeo4w. This anyway used to work as expected in the past.


Algorithm Analytical hillshading starting...

io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 0 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\51bd78a192e243b9ba5d841fc68d84f8\\madeiramdt100.sgrd" -FILES "C:\\Users\\qgis\\Desktop\\data\


ta_lighting "Analytical Hillshading" -ELEVATION "C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\51bd78a192e243b9ba5d841fc68d84f8\\madeiramdt100.sgrd" -METHOD 0 -AZIMUTH 315 -DECLINATION 45 -EXAGGERATION 4 -SHADE "C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\38d16b8c0e654334921f0a6a2ca622a1\\SHADE.sdat"

C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin>set SAGA=C:\\Users\\qgis\\Desktop\\saga231

C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:\\Users\\qgis\\Desktop\\saga231\\modules


C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 0 -GRIDS "C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\51bd78a192e243b9ba5d841fc68d84f8\\madeiramdt100.sgrd" -FILES "C:\\Users\\qgis\\Desktop\\data\



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SAGA Version: 2.3.1 (64 bit)

76 loaded tool libraries (659 tools):

- climate

- climate_tools

- contrib_perego

- db_odbc

- db_pgsql

- docs_html

- docs_pdf

- garden_3d_viewer

- garden_fractals

- garden_games

- garden_learn_to_program

- garden_webservices

- grid_analysis

- grid_calculus

- grid_calculus_bsl

- grid_filter

- grid_gridding

- grid_spline

- grid_tools

- grid_visualisation

- imagery

- imagery_classification

- imagery_isocluster

- imagery_maxent

- imagery_opencv

- imagery_photogrammetry

- imagery_segmentation

- imagery_svm

- imagery_tools

- io_esri_e00

- io_gps

- io_grid

- io_grid_image

- io_shapes

- io_shapes_dxf

- io_shapes_las

- io_table

- io_virtual

- pj_georeference

- pj_geotrans

- pj_proj4

- pointcloud_tools

- pointcloud_viewer

- shapes_grid

- shapes_lines

- shapes_points

- shapes_polygons

- shapes_tools

- shapes_transect

- sim_cellular_automata

- sim_ecosystems_hugget

- sim_erosion

- sim_fire_spreading

- sim_hydrology

- sim_ihacres

- sim_qm_of_esp

- sim_rivflow

- statistics_grid

- statistics_kriging

- statistics_points

- statistics_regression

- ta_channels

- ta_compound

- ta_hydrology

- ta_lighting

- ta_morphometry

- ta_preprocessor

- ta_profiles

- ta_slope_stability

- table_calculus

- table_tools

- terrain_analysis

- tin_tools

- tin_viewer

- toolchains

- tta_tools

type -h or --help for further information

Error: select a library

C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin>saga_cmd ta_lighting "Analytical Hillshading" -ELEVATION "C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\51bd78a192e243b9ba5d841fc68d84f8\\madeiramdt100.sgrd" -METHOD 0 -AZIMUTH 315 -DECLINATION 45 -EXAGGERATION 4 -SHADE "C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\38d16b8c0e654334921f0a6a2ca622a1\\SHADE.sdat"


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SAGA Version: 2.3.1 (64 bit)


library path: C:\\Users\\qgis\\Desktop\\saga231\\modules\\

library name: ta_lighting

library : Lighting, Visibility

tool : Analytical Hillshading

author : O.Conrad, V.Wichmann (c) 2003-2013

processors : 2 [2]


Load grid: C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\51bd78a192e243b9ba5d841fc68d84f8\\madeiramdt100.sgrd...


Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 0 [-ELEVATION ] [-SHADE ] [-METHOD ] [-AZIMUTH ] [-DECLINATION ] [-EXAGGERATION ] [-SHADOW ] [-NDIRS ] [-RADIUS ]

-ELEVATION: Elevation

Grid (input)

-SHADE: Analytical Hillshading

Grid (output)

-METHOD: Shading Method


Available Choices:

[0] Standard

[1] Standard (max. 90Degree)

[2] Combined Shading

[3] Ray Tracing

[4] Ambient Occlusion

Default: 0

-AZIMUTH: Azimuth [Degree]

Floating point

Default: 315.000000

-DECLINATION: Height [Degree]

Floating point

Default: 45.000000

-EXAGGERATION: Exaggeration

Floating point

Default: 4.000000

-SHADOW: Shadow


Available Choices:

[0] slim

[1] fat

Default: 1

-NDIRS: Number of Directions


Minimum: 2

Default: 8

-RADIUS: Search Radius

Floating point

Minimum: 0.001000

Default: 10.000000

Error: input file [C:\\Users\\qgis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing926e3fb9581345ea92a61a65c9b211c4\\51bd78a192e243b9ba5d841fc68d84f8\\madeiramdt100.sgrd]

Error: Elevation


Converting outputs

Loading resulting layers

The following layers were not correctly generated.

Analytical Hillshading

You can check the log messages to find more information about the execution of the algorithm

