Bug report #16293
Updated by Alexander Bruy over 7 years ago
2017-03-03T12:59:32 0 gdalwarp -ot Float32 -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs
EPSG:3857 -r near -of GTiff -te 18.6662979442 45.7767014376
18.7035979442 45.8117014376
2017-03-03T12:59:32 0 GDAL execution console output
ERROR 1: Attempt to create 0x0 dataset is illegal,sizes must be
larger than zero.
if you remove the "te" parameter it works as expected.
EPSG:3857 -r near -of GTiff -te 18.6662979442 45.7767014376
18.7035979442 45.8117014376
2017-03-03T12:59:32 0 GDAL execution console output
ERROR 1: Attempt to create 0x0 dataset is illegal,sizes must be
larger than zero.
if you remove the "te" parameter it works as expected.