Bug report #16146

Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 7 years ago

Configuration :

- mac mini Intel Core 2 Duo ;

- Mac OS X : Snow Leopard 10.6.8

- GNU cc : 4.6.2 (from XCode ; however, GNU cc v. 6.3.0 correctly installed) ;

- QGIS source code : 2.18.3 ;

- Qt 4 ;

- other third parties : in general, last version (e.g., PROJ4, GDAL, GEOS, QWT, EXPAT).

Issue :

- configuration with CMake is OK ;

- running make fails ;

- QGis not compiled.

Additional :

- GRASS GIS v. 7.2.0 compiled, correctly installed (not in /usr/local/etc.) and running.

- GIS SAGA too ;

- never succeeded for compiling any version of QGis. A very big regret...

Enclosed : at least, the log file issued by make.

Thank you !
