Bug report #21357

Updated by Richard Duivenvoorde over 5 years ago

See screenshot: both the Select field group and th Layer Options group have some (re)paint issues

QGIS Master (and 3.4) on Debian, Style: Fusion, UI Theme Default, Qt 5.11.3
I can NOT reproduce it on Windows, with Qt 5.11.2 and same style/theme
In 2.18.28 it does not show this issue.

To reproduce:
- on vector layer, select 'Export/Save Features As'
- in the dialog close the (default open) group 'Select fields to export and their export options'
- all still looks fine
- now select another Format in the dropdown.
- then it looks like you see in the screenshot (with me)


Maybe some item does not have a height?

Note that the Layer Options actually has the same issue, only that one is opened by default in almost all Formats. But if you open GPX (which apparently does not have Layer Options) you will also see a partial painting like in the screenshot
