Feature request #21641

Show Feature Count for Group Objects

Added by Brett Carlock over 5 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29457


I think it'd be pretty intuitive/helpful for there to be the ability to Show Feature Count for Group objects. This would then show the number of child objects in that grouping.

My preference would be to count only the number of layers in the child objects (excluding Group objects from the count).

For instance, in the attached image:
The Show Feature Count for the LRS Group object would be 0 currently, as there are no features in this Group object, despite multiple nested child Group objects.

Annotation 2019-03-21 110807.png - Layers list (3.8 KB) Brett Carlock, 2019-03-21 04:08 PM

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