Feature request #20096

Discover relations for PostGIS tables where the database user is not the table owner

Added by Matt Yoder almost 6 years ago.

Category:Data Provider/PostGIS
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:27918


The "Discover Relations" feature is a great time-saver, but for PostGIS layers, it only works when the database user is the owner of the table. I believe that's because the PostGIS provider looks up the constraints in information_schema.referential_constraints, which is only available to the table owner.

It should be possible for non-owner users to get constraint information using pg_get_constraintdef, as demonstrated here. (However, the provider will need to parse the returned SQL to get the constraint information.) This would be a useful enhancement for workflows where users are routinely accessing and editing tables that they do not own.

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