Feature request #18564

Can the currentLayer/selected layer be moved to next layer after a delete of a layer from the layertree

Added by Richard Duivenvoorde almost 7 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:26452


At this moment when you delete a layer from the layer tree, you loose 'currentlayer/selection': nothing else is selected/current anymore at that moment.

While often in my workflow, I for example have to delete a couple of layers. So it would be handy (and I think more intuitive, looking at other programs), to move the selection to the layer below the old selection, unless there is not layer below, then move the selection to the layer above (if available).

Others agree with this?

I also can imagine that you open a can of worms with this, when you have a complicated layerlist with groups etc... But my first idea would be that this only should be done in current tree-part (so in root you would start removing groups, when in a group you start removing layers).

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