Feature request #18424

Option to use old GRASS digitiser tools?

Added by Chris Kahler over 6 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:26313


Hi, I've been using GRASS for years for building vector (polygon) maps from scratch.

It took a while to learn how GRASS worked in digitiser mode, but once I worked it out I found it was a great way to get topologically clean vector maps. With the integration of GRASS into QGIS there have been some really useful changes, making using GRASS a more intuitive experience.

One feature of some of the early stages in integration that I miss though is the GRASS digitiser toolset (the same one as used in GRASS 6). The QGIS tools can be a little quirky when using them with GRASS and as the GRASS vector / map model is so different from the shapefile format, the QGIS digitiser tools don't always work the way I would expect (for example, it seems as though QGIS tools have trouble telling if the user wants to edit lines or boundaries when used on GRASS vectors).

Would it be possible to have access to the old GRASS digitiser tools in current versions of QGIS, possibly as a separate plug-in if that's easier?

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