Feature request #17360

Add possibility to define default values in DB Manager

Added by Mie Winstrup over 7 years ago.

Category:DB Manager
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:25257


Adding data to a PostgresDatabase with DB Manager in QGIS makes it really easy to add data to the database. That's a lovely feature - thanks a lot for this!

A handy improvement to DB Manager would be to add some kind of possibility to enter default values to use when adding data with DB Manager.
It could be to add a settings-panel to the DB Manager from where you can open a setting-dialog in which it should be possible to enter some default values for use in the import-function, e.g. define a default target SRID. Afterwards these definitions would be used as default when using DB Manager to add data to a database.

I have attached a mockup of what this could look like.

Why is this helpful feature?
Quite often people use the same coordinate reference system again and again, by having a place to define standard values, one could make sure that data always is saved with the same coordinate reference system.

MockUp_DB-Manager.png (318 KB) Mie Winstrup, 2017-10-30 03:03 PM

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