Feature request #17107

Default options for export to image file format in map composer

Added by jtornero - over 7 years ago.

Category:Map Composer/Printing
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:25006


It would be nice to have an option (under general options, composer) for having a default file format for export. Currently you are offered with a pretty big list of formats (some of them seldom used) so every time you export a map you have to look for the format you want. When you are exporting several (tens) of maps, it's a little annoying.

In my opinion, this feature should offer the default file format (i.e. *.png) as first option an then the other options in alphabetical order.

Some directions on best way to implement it would be appreciated as well, in the case I could face coding it and make a pull request.

Thank you very much

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