
Alister Hood, 2011-09-20 08:26 PM

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View differences:

1935 1935
          <widget class="QLabel" label="&lt;p align=&quot;right&quot;&gt;Full&lt;/p&gt;" objectName="textLabel4"/>
1936 1936
1937 1937
        <widget class="QGroupBox" label="" objectName="gboxCustomTransparency">
          <widget class="QLabel" label="Transparency band" objectName="lblTransarent"/>
          <widget class="QLabel" label="Transparency band" objectName="lblTransparent"/>
1939 1939
          <widget class="QComboBox" label="" objectName="cboxTransparencyBand"/>
1940 1940
          <widget class="QLabel" label="Transparent pixel list" objectName="label_2"/>
1941 1941
103 103
    return 0;
104 104
105 105

  //Search through he transparency list looking for a match
  //Search through the transparency list looking for a match
107 107
  bool myTransparentPixelFound = false;
108 108
  TransparentSingleValuePixel myTransparentPixel = {0, 100};
109 109
  for ( int myListRunner = 0; myListRunner < mTransparentSingleValuePixelList.count(); myListRunner++ )
141 141
    return 0;
142 142
143 143

  //Search through he transparency list looking for a match
  //Search through the transparency list looking for a match
145 145
  bool myTransparentPixelFound = false;
146 146
  TransparentThreeValuePixel myTransparentPixel = {0, 0, 0, 100};
147 147
  for ( int myListRunner = 0; myListRunner < mTransparentThreeValuePixelList.count(); myListRunner++ )
34 34
* @param port - The port number the database server is listening to
35 35
* @param databasename - The name of the database to connect to
36 36
* @param username - The username needed to access the database or database server
* @param password - The password associate witht he username needed to access the database or database server
* @param password - The password associate with the username needed to access the database or database server
38 38
* @param type - The type of database being connected to
39 39
40 40
eVisDatabaseConnection::eVisDatabaseConnection( QString hostname, int port, QString databasename, QString username, QString password, DATABASE_TYPE type )
191 191
* @param port - The port number the database server is listening to
192 192
* @param databasename - The name of the database to connect to
193 193
* @param username - The username needed to access the database or database server
* @param password - The password associate witht he username needed to access the database or database server
* @param password - The password associate with the username needed to access the database or database server
195 195
* @param type - The type of database being connected to
196 196
197 197
void eVisDatabaseConnection::resetConnectionParameters( QString hostname, int port, QString databasename, QString username, QString password, DATABASE_TYPE type )
171 171
172 172
     * Calculates root mean squared error for the currently active
173 173
     * ground control points and transform method.
     * Note that he RMSE measure is adjusted for the degrees of freedom of the
     * Note that the RMSE measure is adjusted for the degrees of freedom of the
175 175
     * used polynomial transform.
176 176
     * @param error out: the mean error
177 177
     * @return true in case of success
1021 1021
1022 1022
         <layout class="QGridLayout">
1023 1023
          <item row="0" column="0">
           <widget class="QLabel" name="lblTransarent">
           <widget class="QLabel" name="lblTransparent">
1025 1025
            <property name="text">
1026 1026
             <string>Transparency band</string>
1027 1027