José Miguel Pascual


Reported issues: 2


08:44 PM QGIS Application Bug report #18977: Problem changing the proyection of point shapefile
I'm trying to change the projection of points in the US from WGS 84 to US Atlas (EPSG: 2163), to calculate distances....


11:10 PM QGIS Application Bug report #18977 (Closed): Problem changing the proyection of point shapefile
I'm trying to change the proyection of points in the US from WGS 84 to US Atlas (EPSG: 2163), to calculate distances....


12:50 AM QGIS Application Bug report #18898 (Closed): Problem using processing dissolve from pyqgis
I'm trying to dissolve district polygons to state level using pyqgis. The code worked well in a previous versi...

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