Tessa Beukelaar - van Gulik


Reported issues: 2


01:26 PM QGIS Application Bug report #20605: Python error on opening or making some shp's and WMS layers
Thank you! for pointing me to the plugin. Just switched it off and NO ERROR. I don't actually use the plugin or insta...
01:15 PM QGIS Application Bug report #20605 (Reopened): Python error on opening or making some shp's and WMS layers
Yes, ok, but it only started with QGIS 3 and I'm no closer to a solution. Could you at least point me to where I can ...
11:31 AM QGIS Application Bug report #20605 (Closed): Python error on opening or making some shp's and WMS layers
I keep getting the same error sinnce starting using QGIS3 on opening and making new shapefiles:


02:18 PM QGIS Application Bug report #17115 (Closed): closing editing
When I stop editing and clic on the pencil to close the editing for any particular layer. QGIS crashes. Reinstallatio...

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