Jan Jensen

  • Registered on: 2012-02-20


Reported issues: 2


09:38 AM QGIS Application Bug report #5058: Invalid CRS when the newly created shapefile has a different CRS than the project
Installed qgis v1.7.4, and I get exactly the same error as before.
09:32 AM QGIS Application Bug report #5057: Windows crash when inspecting project properties with WMS layer open
My extensive testing (trying to replicate the error at least 3 times in a row) suggests that this does not happen wit...
07:59 AM QGIS Application Bug report #5058 (Closed): Invalid CRS when the newly created shapefile has a different CRS than ...
Running v1.7.3 'Wroclaw' on 64 bits windows 7 machine.
Using one CRS for my project (WSG-84 UTM 33N EPSG:32633) I fi...
07:38 AM QGIS Application Bug report #5057 (Closed): Windows crash when inspecting project properties with WMS layer open
Running v1.7.3 'Wroclaw' on 64 bits windows 7 machine.
Qgis consistently crashes when I inspect project properties ...

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