Nate Wanner


Reported issues: 1


05:06 PM QGIS Application Bug report #21528 (Closed): PostGIS 3D Lines Load as 2D
Problem was with geometry columns in PostGIS, not the QGIS rendering. Was able to view 3D geometries in QGIS by tweak...
03:36 PM QGIS Application Bug report #21528: PostGIS 3D Lines Load as 2D
Just discovered that this does not happen when I have a 3D line geometry in a PostGIS table, only when I create the 3...


04:22 PM QGIS Application Bug report #21528 (Closed): PostGIS 3D Lines Load as 2D
I created 3-dimensional lines in a PostGIS view. When I load the layer into QGIS (3.4 and 3.6 both tested) it only re...

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