
This document tries to give an overview about status of splitting QGIS into several libraries which could be then used by third party applications. For more information refer to QGIS Architecture Roadmap. Tasks marked as done are already in SVN trunk and will be a part of 0.9 release.

Refactoring has started in January 2006 by Tim - code from one directory has been split into several directories:

  • core library
  • gui library
  • qgis application


Tasks already completed:

  • Remove GUI dependencies from QgsSpatialRefSys and move it together with QgsCoordinateTransform to core library (./)
  • Remove legend dependencies from QgsMapLayer (./)
  • Store coordinate transform outside of map layer (./)
  • Remove some dependencies in core lib to gui lib in QgsDistanceArea (./)
  • Use QImage instead of QPixmap for rendering core because QPixmaps need X server (./)
  • Remove usage of QMessageBox and similar gui stuff from core lib and providers (./)
  • Remove QgsRenderer's dependency on QgsProject (./)
  • Prepare QgsVectorLayer to be moved to core lib (./)
    • Remove dependency on attribute table (./)
    • Remove dependency on attribute actions (./)
  • Prepare QgsRasterLayer to be moved to core lib (./)
  • Think how to work with user's QGIS DB when using in 3rd party app (./)
    • for now we will use the same DB as used directly in QGIS: ~/.qgis/qgis.db
  • make providers dependent only on core lib (./)
  • make plugins independent from QgisApp (./)
  • move QgsProject to core library (./)
  • start gui library from scratch with inserting only classes prepared to be reusable (./)
    • move mapcanvas (with some tools) there (./)
    • move projection selector there (./)
  • Remove unnecessary classes (which are not intended to be used by other apps) from core lib (./)
  • Think what to do with unused / unfinished / deprecated classes in core and gui libs - delete them! ./)
  • repair visibility settings in legend and project load/save (./)
  • create support for building with CMake make system - Linux and Windows build works (./)
    • see ["Building with CMake"]
  • Start using QGraphicsView from Qt4.2 instead of Q3Canvas (./)
  • resolved most of the warnings in core and gui libraries (./)
  • python bindings (more info: PythonBindings)
    • possibility to use in 3rd party application (./)
    • support for plugins written in python (./)
    • scripting support (python console in QGIS) (./)
  • improved and simplified vector data provider interface (./)
  • use QVariant for feature attributes instead of plain QString (./)
  • enable saving shapefiles for all types of vector layers (./)

Some tasks that has to be done (still growing):

  • vectors handling
    • develop QgsDataSource interface, see ["Redesign_of_QGis_data_model"]
    • get rid of WKB and use only GEOS to handle geometries
  • Move (possibly all) plugin management to a special class, making no difference between C++ and python bindings
  • Add to core lib some more subdirectories with groups of classes logically connected (vector, provider, geometry)
  • rethink general behaviour of map layer registry and how legend(s) work with it
  • fix many TODOs created during the architecture changes (mostly marked with [MD])
  • QgsRasterLayer needs refactoring
  • make possible rendering in separate thread (to allow stopping drawing, updating during rendering and more)
  • convert remaining std::cout and std::cerr to usage of QgsLogger
  • start writing tests (primarily for classes in libraries)
  • finish python bindings

Global tasks:

  • update list of classes to the current state
  • make QGIS API easy to use in applications
  • Remove usage of QSettings and QgsProject for classes intended to be used in 3rd party apps
  • create better structure for code: only CORE and GUI library, both containing subdirs for easier navigation

Class list

Core library

QGis class with some basic enumerations and constants
QgsApplication accessors for application-wide data
QgsLogger class to print debug/warning/error messages to the console


QgsProviderMetadata metadata class for describing a data provider
QgsProviderRegistry singleton class for registering data providers
QgsDataProvider base class for spatial data provider implementations
QgsVectorDataProvider base class for all vector data providers
QgsRasterDataProvider base class for all raster data providers


Geometry and spatial references
QgsPoint represents 2D point
QgsLine a simple line composed of two endpoints
QgsRect a rectangle specified by double values
QgsFeature encapsulates a single feature including id and field/value
QgsField encapsulates a field in an attribute table or data source
QgsGeometry represents geometry in WKB/WKT, contains functions for geoprocessing
QgsGeometryVertexIndex identifies particular vertex in a given OGC geometry
QgsClipper class that clips line segments and polygons
QgsDistanceArea distance and area calculations on the ellipsoid
QgsSpatialRefSys class for storing a spatial reference system (SRS)
QgsCoordinateTransform class for doing transformations between two map coordinate systems
QgsSpatialIndex wrapper class for spatial indexing library


QgsException QGIS exception class (derived from std::exception)
QgsIOException for qgis I/O exception
QgsProjectBadLayerException for files missing layers while reading project files
QgsCsException coordinate system exception


Flex + Bison sources parser engine
QgsSearchString interface for parsing and evaluation of search strings
QgsSearchTreeNode definition of node for parsed tree of search string


QgsMapLayer base class for all map layer types
QgsMapLayerRegistry singleton class for keeping track of loaded layers
QgsVectorLayer vector layer backed by a data source provider


Mapping rendering stuff
QgsMapRender class for rendering map layer set
QgsMapToPixel class for transformation between map and device coordinates
QgsScaleCalculator calculates scale based on map extent and units
QgsLabel class for rendering labels
QgsLabelAttributes storage of attributes for label rendering


Renderers (in "renderer" dir)
QgsRenderer abstract base for all renderers. Renderer holds info needed to draw the contents of vector layer
QgsContinuousColorRenderer renderer class which interpolates RGB values between min,max of the classification field
QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer renders and contains the information for graduated symbol rendering
QgsSingleSymbolRenderer render class to display all the features with a single QgsSymbol
QgsUniqueValueRenderer renderer class to show every feature with unique value


Symbology (in "symbology" dir)
QgsSymbologyUtils namespace containing useful methods for symbology widgets
QgsSymbol encapsulates settings for drawing and classification
QgsMarkerCatalogue catalogue of point symbols


Raster layers: (in "raster" dir)
QgsRasterLayer provides capability to render raster datasets
QgsRasterBandStats container for statistics about a single raster band
QgsRasterViewPort provides details of the viewable area that a raster will be rendered into
QgsRasterPyramid used to store pyramid info for the raster layer
QgsColorTable color table


Attribute actions
QgsAction encapsulates an action and associated information
QgsAttributeAction stores and controls management and execution of actions for layer attributes


QGIS Project files
QgsProject implements persistent project state
QgsProperty, QgsProperyValue, QgsPropertyKey helper classes for QgsProject


QgsHttpTransaction Tracks a HTTP request with its response
QgsMessageOutput Interface for showing messages from QGIS in GUI independent way
QgsMessageOutputConsole Displays messages to console
QgsContextHelp provides a context based help browser for a dialog
QgsDataSourceURI structure for storing the component parts of a PgSQL/RDBMS datasource URI
QgsProviderCountCalcEvent custom event to be fired when layer count has been fully calculated used only by postgresql provider
QgsProviderExtentCalcEvent custom event to be fired when layer extent has been fully calculated used only by postgresql provider
QgsRunProcess executes external program/script, optionally captures output
QgsVectorFileWriter generic vector file write


GUI library

QgisGui constants used throughout the QGIS GUI
QGisInterface abstract interface for exposing functions for use by plugins
QgsColorButton color button
QgsEncodingFileDialog file dialog which lets user select encoding for a data provider
QgsFileDropEdit file dropable LineEdit
QgsMessageViewer simple dialog for showing longer messages


Map canvas
QgsMapCanvas map canvas class for displaying all GIS data types
QgsMapCanvasItem base class for map canvas items
QgsMapCanvasMap class which holds the rendered map
QgsMapTool base class for map canvas tools
QgsMapToolPan tool for panning in map canvas
QgsMapToolZoom tool for zooming in/out using rubberband
QgsMapOverviewCanvas overview canvas
QgsPanningWidget widget for panning in overview canvas
QgsRubberBand rubberband for drawing multilines and polygons
QgsVertexMarker map canvas item for drawing vertex markers


Projection support
QgsProjectionSelector widget for selection of projection
QgsLayerProjectionSelector dialog for setting projection system for a layer


QGIS application

QgisApp main window for the QGIS application too big class, should be refactored
QGisAppInterface implementation of QgisInterface
QgsAbout about dialog for QGIS
QgsBookmarkItem spatial bookmark item (stored in sqlite3)
QgsBookmarks dialog with spatial bookmarks
QgsClipboard internal clipboard for storage of features
QgsMapLayerInterface interface class for map layer plugins
QgsOptions dialog for setting user options and preferences routines with qgis database should be moved somewhere else
QgsNewConnection dialog for configuring connection info for a PostgreSQL db
QgsPgQueryBuilder query builder for PostgreSQL
QgsProjectProperties dialog used for project-wide settings
QgsCustomProjectionDialog custom projection widget for defining parameters of a projection
QgsIdentifyResults dialog for displaying results of identify tool
QgsMapServerExport export QGIS MapCanvas to MapServer so far doesn't make use of map canvas
QgsNumericSortListViewItem a QListViewItem that can sort numerically


Attributes handling
QgsAddAttrDialog dialog for setting new attribute
QgsDelAttrDialog dialog for deleting attributes
QgsAdvancedAttrSearch dialog for advanced searching by attribute
QgsAttributeActionDialog attribute action dialog
QgsAttributeDialog dialog for viewing/editing attributes
QgsAttributeTable customized QTable for displaying attribute table
QgsAttributeTableDisplay dialog for browsing and editing attribute table


Layer properties
QgsDlgVectorLayerProperties unified property dialog for vector layers
QgsRasterLayerProperties dialog for setting up how raster layers are displayed
QgsVectorSymbologyWidget widget for setting symbology for a vector layer
QgsMarkerDialog class for choosing marker SVG images by clicking icons
QgsSiSyDialog dialog to set the symbology for the legend type single symbol
QgsGraSyDialog dialog for graduated symbols
QgsPatternDialog dialog for selecting pattern for rendering vector layers
QgsContColDialog dialog for continuous color renderer
QgsPointStyleWidget widget for selecting point style
QgsLineStyleWidget widget for selecting line style
QgsFillStyleWidget widget for selecting fill style
QgsLineStyleDialog dialog for settings line styles
QgsGeomTypeDialog dialog for setting new vector geometry type and attributes
QgsLabelDialog dialog for setting rendering of labels for vector layer


Map canvas tools
QgsMapToolCapture tool for digitizing
QgsMapToolSelect tool for selecting features using rubberband
QgsMapToolVertexEdit tool for adding/moving/deleting vertices
QgsMeasure tool and widget for measuring distances and areas


Plugin management
QgsPluginItem contains info about loadable plugin - name, description and full path
QgsPluginMetadata stores info about loaded plugin, including pointer to the inst. object
QgsPluginManager plugin manager for loading/unloading plugins
QgsPluginRegistry singleton class for keeping track of installed plugins


PostgreSQL GUI stuff
QgsDbSourceSelect dialog to create connections and add tables from PostgreSQL


WMS GUI stuff
QgsNewHttpConnection dialog for configuring connection info for WMS server
QgsServerSourceSelect dialog to create connections and add layers from WMS
QgsPasteTransformations dialog for setting transformation from source to destination fields (using copy/paste) not implemented yet
QgsTable class to represent an attribute table related to a map layer used nowhere?


QgsComposer dialog for composing map output
QgsComposerView composer canvas
QgsComposition stores map composition for printing
QgsComposerItem base class for composer items
QgsComposerMap represents map window
QgsComposerLabel represents label
QgsComposerPicture represents pictur
QgsComposerScalebar represents scale bar
QgsComposerVectorLegend represents vector lege


QgsLegend legend treeview
QgsLegendItem abstract base class for all legend items
QgsLegendGroup special legend item, items below are treated as a group
QgsLegendLayerFileGroup container for layer file group
QgsLegendPropertyGroup container for layer properties
QgsLegendSymbologyGroup container for symbology
QgsLegendLayer container for layer, including layer file(s), symbology, properties
QgsLegendLayerFile legend item for layer file
QgsLegendPropertyItem legend item for representing layer property
QgsLegendSymbologyItem item for symbology
QgsLegendVectorSymbologyItem item for symbology of a vector layer


Python support
QgsPythonDialog dialog with embedded python console
QgsPythonUtils routines for interfacing Python
