PSC Meeting June 2015

Proposed meeting time:

Wednesday afternoon 10 june 2015 on IRC 15:30 CET

"previous meeting":

"next meeting":

IRC: #qgis_meeting_150610

Members Present:

  • TBD


  • idea: set up QGIS-project (wordpress) blog (for project wide messaging) (RD)
  • status next release (RD)
  • status foundation / 'verein' (RD)
  • finalize decisions about plugins necessary info (pcav)
  • crowdfunding support in About (pcav)
  • simpler rules for HF reimbursements (pcav)
  • foss4g labs incorporation into docs (RD)


--- Log opened Mi Jun 10 15:32:07 2015
15:32 -!- jef [[email protected]] has joined #qgis_meeting_150610
15:32 -!- Irssi: #qgis_meeting_150610: Total of 6 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal]
15:32 < duiv> hi jef
15:32 -!- Irssi: Join to #qgis_meeting_150610 was synced in 18 secs
15:32 -!- anitagraser [3edaa47e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #qgis_meeting_150610
15:32 < duiv> so it appears that github actually renders the images if you have them in the static dir
15:32 < anitagraser> hi
15:32 < duiv> hi anitagraser 
15:33 -!- hannes5 [[email protected]] has joined #qgis_meeting_150610
15:33 < duiv> compare this:
15:33 < duiv> to this:
15:34 < duiv> dassau: I'm even in favour for leaving out most of the image shortcuts
15:34 <@dassau> duiv, ok I understand, that makes sense 
15:34 < duiv> in that way the github rendering will far more look at the actual results
15:34 < duiv> hopefully making it easier for people to fork and edit in github....
15:34 <@dassau> ok, would be nice
15:35 <@dassau> then it is a good idea to change the folder name
15:35 -!- timlinux [[email protected]] has joined #qgis_meeting_150610
15:35 < duiv> hi timlinux 
15:36 < duiv> anybody news from gsherman?
15:36 < anitagraser> duiv: hi. are you already on the first agenda point?
15:36 < timlinux> hi all
15:36 < duiv> nope, just chatting to otto :-)
15:36 < timlinux> no I havent heard from him
15:37 < duiv> anybody want to take lead/chair?
15:37 < anitagraser> i can
15:37 < duiv> plz do
15:37 < pcav> thanks anitagraser 
15:37 < anitagraser> 1. idea: set up QGIS-project (wordpress) blog (for project wide messaging) RD
15:37 < timlinux> did we want to try to move the meeting to voice with a shared google doc?
15:38 < duiv> timlinux: if you get something up and running in 10 min's it is ok :-) else I would stick with IRC
15:38 < duiv> happy to try it
15:38 < anitagraser> i'd have to reboot to windows
15:38 < anitagraser> so let me know quickly
15:38 < anitagraser> +0 from me
15:38 < duiv> anitagraser: why?
15:38 < anitagraser> no skype installed
15:38 < duiv> ah
15:39 < duiv> so skype we try? Everybody has that?
15:39 < timlinux> yes
15:39 < timlinux> do you mind to reboot anita?
15:39 < timlinux> pcav: ?
15:39 < pcav> so we want to move to what?
15:39 < anitagraser> i don't mind
15:39 < pcav> skype?
15:39 < timlinux> anyone else here is welcome to join
15:39 < duiv> focus pcav ;-)
15:39 < pcav> ?
15:40 -!- anitagraser [3edaa47e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
15:40 < duiv> tim, will you try to open a group thingie in skype?
15:41  * duiv is on Debian/Skype, hope that works for this...
15:42 -!- anitagraser [3edaa47e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #qgis_meeting_150610
15:42 < pcav> I'm ready
15:42 < anitagraser> ready
15:42  * hannes5 waves the proprietarysoftwarestick :\
15:42 < timlinux> Im ready
15:42 < anitagraser> tim you have my skype handle?
15:42 < timlinux> please paste your skype names here
15:42 < hannes5> hf
15:42 -!- hannes5 [[email protected]] has left #qgis_meeting_150610 ["Leaving"]
15:42  * jef doesn't have skype
15:43 < duiv> rduivenvoorde
15:43 < mhugent> mhugent
15:43 < anitagraser> anitagraser
15:43 <@dassau> dasotto
15:44 < pcav> if jef is not available on skype, I think we should avoid it
15:44 < pcav> or?
15:45 < timlinux> jef?
15:45  * jef doesn't have skype
15:45 < duiv> ok, we do IRC
15:45 < timlinux> yup
15:46 < anitagraser> back to agenda point 1
15:46 < duiv> ok, my idea was to have an official 'qgis-blog'
15:47 < duiv> now if we want to announce something we ask community members to blog about it
15:47 < anitagraser> instead of aggregating individual blogs?
15:47 < anitagraser> oh, just for announcements?
15:47 < anitagraser> like a "news" section on the front page?
15:47 < duiv> while if we do we could do this kind of things more or less more 'official'
15:47 < timlinux> hmm..I was thinking that when I wanted to publish my HF blog post - I didnt really want toi put it in my company blog
15:47 < timlinux> and I was too lazy to write it in sphinx
15:47 < timlinux> :-P
15:48 < anitagraser> so timlinux, you would use a then
15:48 < duiv> also the things like qt/3.o discussions
15:48 < anitagraser> ?
15:48 < timlinux> or a
15:48 < anitagraser> it's easy to set up a blog on with multiple authors
15:48 < anitagraser> or do you want to self-host?
15:48 < timlinux> Ok and we can have it point to our own domain - probably for a small fee?
15:49 < duiv> reason for me to use was to have no need to host it
15:49 < duiv> was already claimed though
15:49 < anitagraser> oh i see
15:49 < timlinux> yeah but lets get it on our own domain
15:49 < timlinux> I would prefer it to look 'official'
15:50 < duiv> by Berikan Balasan 
15:50 < timlinux>
15:50 < duiv> ok, but then we have to set it up, host etc
15:50 < timlinux> Adding a domain you already own costs $13.00 per domain, per year.
15:51 < anitagraser> sounds fine
15:51 < timlinux> fine for me too
15:51 < anitagraser> so let
15:51 < anitagraser> let's do that
15:51 -!- elpaso [[email protected]] has joined #qgis_meeting_150610
15:51 < pcav> cost is not an issue, I believe
15:51 < anitagraser> vote?
15:51 < timlinux> loomio?
15:51 < anitagraser> timlinux: will you set it up?
15:51 < timlinux> ya doing it now
15:51 < anitagraser> then we can go on to point 2
15:52 < anitagraser> status next release RD
15:52 < pcav> I'd be in favour
15:52 < pcav> *if*
15:52 < duiv> I was just wondering how bugfixing was going
15:52 < anitagraser> duiv: ?
15:52 < pcav> we have someone managing it
15:52 < pcav> sorry
15:52 < duiv> so maybe jef can tell something?
15:52 < pcav> I'm still on point 1
15:53 < duiv> pcav that is why I hope we can have
15:53 < duiv> then we only use it without really managing it
15:53 -!- elpaso [[email protected]] has left #qgis_meeting_150610 []
15:53 < pcav> duiv: I mean properly managing the entries, etc
15:54 < pcav> I would not like to have yet another piece possibly rusting around
15:54 < duiv> I think all PSC members should be able to edit/write
15:54 < pcav> I think 0 admin is a far away dream
15:54 < duiv> mmm, ok that is your point
15:54 < pcav> and an unmanaged blog does not help us marketing
15:54 < anitagraser> it's mostly checking comments
15:54 < anitagraser> but we could disable them
15:55 < timlinux> I think we can use it for official posts
15:55 < pcav> not realy
15:55 < timlinux> and leave the planet for rest of community posts
15:55 < anitagraser> not really what?
15:55 < pcav> it's also soliciting new entries when appropriate
15:55 < timlinux>
15:55 < pcav> keeping it alive, that is
15:55 < duiv> pcav: my idea was that we do announcements, or general discussions there
15:56 < duiv> like if we want to write something about our ideas of the 'verein' etc
15:57 < anitagraser> can we move the details to loomio in order to keep this meeting short?
15:57 < pcav> ok
15:57 < anitagraser> we are soon half an hour in and at point 1
15:57 < anitagraser> jef: ping
15:57 < jef> anitagraser: pong
15:58 < anitagraser> can you give us any info about the bugfixing efforts?
15:58 < anitagraser> otherwise we'll have to clarify that on the mailing list
15:58 < jef> clarify what?
15:58 < anitagraser> richard wanted to know how it's going
15:58 < duiv> just general interest
15:59 < duiv> like any big problems ahead, more or less on your scheme etc
15:59 < duiv> nice fixes... new big bugs whatever?
15:59 < duiv> else: no news == good news?
16:00 < duiv> lol
16:00 < anitagraser> like will have to budget more dev time for future releases to keep up with bugfixing?
16:00 < jef> duiv: um, we're fixing some.  see hub for details
16:00 < duiv> ok.... so all good
16:00 < anitagraser> ok, point 3: status 'verein' RD
16:00 < duiv> I forgot the english word...
16:00 < anitagraser> association?
16:01 < pcav> association?
16:01 < timlinux> OK status is that Andreas and I wrote up the charter
16:01 < timlinux> I need to mail it around for general comment
16:01 < duiv> foundation...
16:01 < pcav> duiv: right
16:01 < timlinux> my plan was to add a loomio thingy to go with it for discussion
16:01 < anitagraser> sounds good
16:01 < timlinux> and then allow e.g. 2 weeks for comments and vote to go ahead with it
16:01 < timlinux> we would try to incorporate comments as they make sense
16:02 < anitagraser> ok. any comments now?
16:02 < pcav> excellent!
16:02 < mhugent> could someone add me to the loomio group?
16:02 < anitagraser> great! point 4: finalize decisions about plugins necessary info (pcav)
16:03 < timlinux> mhugent sure I will add you in a sec
16:03 < mhugent> thanks
16:03 < timlinux> mhugent: done
16:04 < pcav> ok
16:04 < pcav> we have two proposals:
16:04 < pcav> * making repo and bugtracker compulsory
16:04 < pcav> * make About compulsory
16:04 < pcav> I think we have voted
16:05 < pcav> So if it's OK we should now proceed.
16:05 < pcav> right?
16:05 < pcav> I've asked elpaso, current developer of
16:05 < anitagraser> yes the repo & bugtracker was a clear +1
16:05 < pcav> he said he has not much time now
16:06 < timlinux> I gave everybody on PSC + Andreas coordinator rights on Loomio
16:06 < pcav> and a small compensation could be necessary to put it in place
16:06 < pcav> so I'm asking:
16:06 < pcav> * should we proceed?
16:07 < pcav> * is anyone available to do it sooner for free, or should we ask elpaso?
16:07 < pcav> pass
16:07 < anitagraser> imho, lets ask elpaso. i guess i can only be a few hours of work
16:08 < pcav> yes
16:08 < duiv> I'm ok to pass him some money for this, he invested a LOT of time already in it
16:08 < duiv> but if it is really a time-problem
16:08 < duiv> then we can maybe ask Raymond Nijssen?
16:08 < duiv> he was trying to upgrade Django etc during the hackfest
16:08 < duiv> (but did not succeed I think...)
16:08 < timlinux> I would suggest to approach elpaso first
16:09 < pcav> I like the idea of having another admin for the app
16:09 < duiv> yes off course
16:09 < timlinux> since he is up to speed
16:09 < pcav> having a single point of failure is not nice
16:09 < duiv> also because he deserves a lot of credit for it
16:09 < timlinux> single point failure?
16:09 < anitagraser> ok, pcav will you ask elpaso and probably Raymond?
16:09 < duiv> we also have been talking about splitting up the docker container
16:10 < timlinux> Yes I started working on it
16:10 < timlinux> I didnt get very far with it
16:10 < duiv> timlinux: if you do a postgresql container, will the data-files+configs then be IN the container or in a mount outside?
16:11 < timlinux> all outside so it is persistent
16:11 < timlinux> but lets take that off list
16:11 < pcav> timlinux: I mean, only one guy administering one crucial piece
16:11 < timlinux> which - elpaso?
16:12 < timlinux> I also helped to write it and if needed can administer it - I just didnt have any time to do more stuff on it
16:12 < pcav> yes
16:12 < timlinux> so I think it is not too much of an issue
16:12 < pcav> timlinux: ok, good to know
16:12 < timlinux> I make ofcasional snapshots and copy it off the server
16:12 < timlinux> I am working on a better backup system
16:12 < timlinux> (the stuff rduiv was referencing above)
16:13 < timlinux> and rduiv has a procedure for backups too
16:13 < timlinux> which pushes it to
16:13 < pcav> so, in short: should I ask elpaso or both him and Raymond?
16:13 < anitagraser> so we ask elpaso if he can do it and for how much and plan b is raymond?
16:13 < timlinux> I would suggest to ask elpaso first
16:14 < timlinux> and then look around for someone else if he cant do it
16:14 < anitagraser> +1 timlinux 
16:14 < pcav> ok, should I go ahead then?
16:14 < timlinux> +1
16:14 <@dassau> +1 
16:14 < anitagraser> +1
16:14 < duiv> +1
16:14 < pcav> fine
16:14 < anitagraser> great! next point: crowdfunding support in About (pcav)
16:15 < pcav> then
16:15 < pcav> I suggested to add an entry to the About manu of the application
16:15 < pcav> menu
16:16 < duiv> don't you think the website is a better place for that?
16:16 < pcav> to list the current crowdfunding initiatives
16:16 < duiv> because it can be rather dynamic?
16:16 < anitagraser> and the content is a list of crowdfunded projects?
16:16 < timlinux> For reference here is the current draft of the statutes (this link is read only)
16:17 < pcav> duiv: I think a link is ok
16:17 < timlinux> What about having a paypal link in a webkit widget in about
16:17 < jef> duiv: the map already is dynamic, so we could reference a page too.
16:17 < pcav> but it should be reached from the application
16:17 < pcav> few people look at the web site
16:17 < timlinux> yes we can embed a web page in a dialog in the app
16:18 < timlinux> (thats what I mean above)
16:18 < duiv> mmm, lemme see if the footer/header is not in the way then
16:19 < timlinux> It does not need to be an existing site - it can just be a hand made page that is shipped with QGIS
16:19 < duiv> pcav: it would be a page like
16:19 < duiv> which we need to keep uptodate
16:19 < pcav> right
16:19 < Jimu> wouldn't it be better to launch a web browser? a "Support Us" GUI button that goes to the site?
16:19 < pcav> that was my idea
16:20 < anitagraser> pcav: so the goal is to make people aware of ongoing initiatives?
16:21 < pcav> yes
16:21 < anitagraser> i don't know anyone who would check "about" for such information 
16:21 < duiv> personally I think a the number of kickstarter initiatives is too small to put in the about
16:21 < duiv> and +1 anitagraser 
16:21 < anitagraser> that's something we need to keep hot on social media and mailing list
16:21 < duiv> I'm more in favour of putting a button/item on the frontpage
16:22 < pcav> my point is: many qgis users never go to the mailing lists etc
16:22 < pcav> and the about is the only way to reach them
16:22 < anitagraser> my point is: we cannot reach them with about either
16:23 < pcav> why, anitagraser ?
16:23 < anitagraser> i don't belief that anyone regularly checks the about for such info
16:23 < jef> pcav: it doesn't jump into your face.  like tips - if you didn't disable them
16:24 < timlinux> I was also going to suggest putting it in the tips
16:24 < timlinux> we know at least first time users will see it
16:24 < anitagraser> +1 for tips
16:25 < duiv> so: let's start with a page in the website, and put a link to that in the tips?
16:25 < pcav> sounds good
16:25 < anitagraser> sounds good
16:25 < jef> maybe we should reenable tips on upgrade?
16:25 < duiv> jef :-) YES, annoying but good
16:25 < Jimu> how about a one-time reminder/nagger after such-and-such uses/openings?
16:25 < Jimu> like Sublime Text
16:26 < timlinux> Nefarious :-)
16:26 < anitagraser> +1 jef
16:26 < jef> or reenable after a month or something.
16:26 < timlinux> pcav: can you clarify about crowd funding?
16:27 < timlinux> I mean do you intend just to have paypal donations
16:27 < pcav> we had recently some good initiatives
16:27 < timlinux> or were you thinking to have the user linked to a crowd funding page
16:27 < pcav> Nyall about styles, Radim for Grass 7
16:27 < timlinux> or were they two different topics?
16:27 < pcav> and I am pretty sure tons of users never heard of them
16:27 < duiv> mkuhn had one
16:27 < pcav> yes
16:28 < pcav> my idea is to have a crowd funding page
16:28 < pcav> where all projects are listed
16:28 < pcav> and users can decide where to put their money
16:28 < pcav> thant's it
16:29 < pcav> just to help the initiatives
16:29 < timlinux> so the about was going to also link to there or just to 'normal' paypal and you are proposing a crowdfunding page on
16:29 < timlinux> sorry s/about/tip of the day
16:29 < pcav> I'd like to leave each dev free to choose his way
16:30 < pcav> and just link the initiative from our page
16:30 < timlinux> ok so the two proposals then are:
16:30 < pcav> something like:
16:30 < timlinux> 1) have tip of hte day link to paypal page on
16:30 < timlinux> 2) create a new page on listing current crowdfunding initiatives
16:30 < timlinux> ?
16:30 < pcav> Like QGIS? want to help? this is where you can throw your coins - just choose one
16:31 < pcav> I'm for the 2nd
16:31 < pcav> of course also 1 is ok, just not what I was suggesting
16:31 < duiv> could be linked to from:
16:32 < timlinux> so it is:
16:32 < timlinux> 1) create a new page on listing current crowdfuning activities
16:32 < timlinux> 2) add a tip of the day that links to the page in 1) above
16:32 < timlinux> 3) make the tips re-enabled each time user upgrades QGIS
16:33 < timlinux> ?
16:33 < duiv> +1 for me
16:33 < anitagraser> +1
16:33  * duiv is thinking where to put the page...
16:34 <@dassau> +1 
16:34 < mhugent> +1
16:35 < timlinux> +1 from me
16:35 < pcav> duiv: we can discuss the details later, ok?
16:35 < duiv> fine
16:35 < anitagraser> ok, last point then: simpler rules for HF reimbursements (pcav)
16:35 < jef> +1 ( 3) done in 765d1a9)
16:35 < pcav> I suggested a simpler and IMHO more transparent way of accepting reimbursements for non core devs
16:36 < timlinux> jef hehehe awesome man :-)
16:36 < pcav> jef for pope
16:36 < pcav> :)
16:36 < timlinux> :-)
16:36 < pcav> so the idea is:
16:37 < pcav> to have a reimbursement, one should be endorsed by one (member of psc|core dev) (or two)
16:38 < pcav> then it's the responsibility of each of us to select productive people
16:38 < anitagraser> i think that's something you could put up for votes on loomio 
16:38 < pcav> the current page looks terribly bureaucratic to me
16:38 < pcav> and still leaves space for discontent
16:39 < pcav> ok, if it's better
16:39 < anitagraser> well, nobody seems to disagree currently
16:40 < anitagraser> or are there any comments?
16:40 < pcav> if we agree
16:40 < timlinux> I'm ok as long as it is clear and fair
16:40 < pcav> we can skip the loomio
16:40 < timlinux> and inclusive as our budget allows
16:40 < pcav> otherwise, I am already setting it up
16:40 < duiv> we should keep these things somewhere online
16:40 < timlinux> I think it will be good to put on loomio
16:40 < pcav> ok
16:40 < anitagraser> great!
16:40 < mhugent> one question
16:40 < timlinux> duiv which things?
16:41 < pcav> sure it is inclusive :)
16:41 < anitagraser> does anyone have another point to add to todays meeting?
16:41 < jef> mhugent: shoot
16:41 < timlinux> yes can we agree on voice chat and google docs for next meeting
16:41 < anitagraser> +1 for voice
16:41 < mhugent> how does a core dev know how many people he can endorse
16:41 < mhugent> ?
16:41 < duiv> like: tim and richard 'second' the reimbursement of jesse to come to the meeting
16:41 < timlinux> or maybe someone wants to set up libre office online collaboration instead of google docs if we want to go pure foss
16:42 < timlinux> mhugent: does it make sense to limit it?
16:42 < timlinux> Im worried that it adds a lot of beaurocracy
16:42 < mhugent> probably yes
16:42 < jef> timlinux: and how would that voice work?
16:43 < timlinux> isnt it simple to say "treasture can make the decision, defer to PSC if unsure'
16:43 < timlinux> jef voice chat - I am proposing to use mumble:
16:43 < duiv>
16:43 < timlinux> and then run a live editable do with the minutes
16:43 < mhugent> timlinux: that's the current procedure. I also think it is simpler
16:43 < duiv> apt-get install mumble
16:44 < timlinux> live editable *doc* I meant above
16:45 < pcav> timlinux: the treasurer may not know the applicant, may have no idea what he is planning to do, and if it can be valuable to the project
16:45 < pcav> spreading the responsibility will make it more open and IMHO reliable
16:45 < pcav> I liked what we did with the new GSoC student
16:46 < pcav> Victor endorsed him, we were all happy
16:46 < pcav> otherwise, none of us knew him
16:47 < mhugent> pcav: ok, but there are budget constraints and somehow a core-dev needs to know that before he can endorse participants
16:47 < pcav> we never hit budget limits
16:47 < jef> pcav: we never have hit budget limits you mean
16:47 < pcav> anyway, see loomio
16:48 < pcav> I added anote for this
16:48 < anitagraser> thanks!
16:48 < anitagraser> duiv added a last point: foss4g labs incorporation into docs (RD)
16:48 < duiv> just a practical question
16:48 < duiv> like DO we want to put it in, and where
16:49 < anitagraser> what's it?
16:49 < anitagraser> oh, the course material?
16:49 < duiv> yes
16:49  * duiv searching for url's
16:49 < anitagraser> i tried one of their labs and didn't like it very much but that's probably just my opinion
16:49 < anitagraser> and it will be a lot to keep updated. very step-by-tiny-step
16:50 < duiv>
16:50 < timlinux> +1 to incorporate it - I wonder if we should make a seprate subdomain for it like
16:50 < duiv> mmm, not very much in favour of another sphinx project
16:51 < timlinux> can be the same project but with an easy to remember url
16:51 < duiv> happy to add it to current docs tree though
16:51 < duiv> sure, no problem
16:51 < anitagraser> -0
16:51 < duiv>
16:52 < duiv> so a 'foss4g labs' tiem there?
16:52 < timlinux> anitagraser: I think that it will be good for us since there is a big academic community that can / will use it
16:52 < duiv> and every 'lab' a chapter
16:52 < timlinux> and I have been trying to encourage them to host their resources 'officially' as part of
16:52 < anitagraser> shouldn't it be foss4gacademy?
16:52 < duiv> yes, I hope/think that they will keep updating it theirselves too
16:53 < timlinux> instead of in qgis academy or what ever
16:53 < anitagraser> foss4g is quite generic
16:53 < timlinux> IMHO it is very confusing for users to go to fossgis academy
16:53 < timlinux> and so even if the materials are not perfect we should encourage them to work under our official banner and give them feedback for improvement
16:54 < duiv> maybe I'll ask them to do a skype call
16:55 < duiv> to make their rst headings in line with ours, do some renaming of their resources: like not so much spaces and capitals etc
16:55 < duiv> they really try to keep things up to date already:
16:55 < anitagraser> ok. so duiv, you'll keep us updated
16:55 < duiv>
16:56 < duiv> yes, after contacting them I'll try to pull one of their labs into testing
16:56 < anitagraser> good. any more comments?
16:57 < duiv> do we go for mumble next meeting?
16:57 < duiv>
16:57 < anitagraser> +1
16:58 < pcav> another option could be Firefox Hello
16:58 < duiv> ok let us do some testing then after this meeting?
16:58 < timlinux> +1
16:58 < duiv> pcav, happy to try that too
16:58 < timlinux> +1 fror mumble and for the work you are doing with labs
16:58 < timlinux> Download and install from apt or get a binary from\
16:58 < pcav> tried the other day, look nice and easy
16:58 < timlinux> Run the setup wizard thingy and ask it to quick generate your own cert
16:58 < timlinux> Create a new server profile with these options:
16:58 < timlinux> Name: Kartoza
16:58 < timlinux> Host:
16:58 < timlinux> Port: 64738 (default)
16:58 < timlinux> Accept the certificate when connecting
16:59 < duiv> jef: you are ok with it, or are you -1 for voice
16:59 < pcav> I'd prefer not o install other stuff if we have a simpler alternative
16:59 < timlinux> I dont mind to use anything else
16:59 <@dassau> why do we not use skype, if most of us already have it installed? 
17:00 < jef> all of us have irc
17:00 < duiv>
17:00 < timlinux> pcav I would have to install firefox....everythging we choose someone has to install something so that logic doesnt make sense to me
17:00 < pcav> not really
17:00 < pcav> it should work with Chromium too
17:00 < timlinux> ah
17:00 < timlinux> ok never realised that sorry
17:00 < pcav> :)
17:01 < pcav> anyway, the simpler globally, the best for me :)
17:01 < timlinux> I am in the room Richard made now
17:01 < duiv> pcav, can you join?
17:01 < timlinux> seems firefox thing works fine
17:01 < duiv> I just want to test if it is working with >5 people
17:02 < duiv> or whoever wants to join... just click the hello firefox link
17:02 < timlinux> jef - my interest was mainly about making the meetings move along faster - IRC meetings are often painfully slow as people are off doing other stuff in the middle of the meeting
17:03 < timlinux> if someone walks into my office and sees me talking they are less likely to interrupt too
17:03 < pcav> I'm in, just the camera switched off now :)
17:04 < anitagraser> let me know what you decide. i'm fine any way but pro voice. have to go now
17:04 < anitagraser> thanks for joining today! please vote on the loomio items and see you next time.
17:04 < timlinux> me too - I have to run
17:04 < timlinux> thanks for the meeting all
17:05 < pcav> this was a productive one - thanks!
17:06 < timlinux> sorry rduiv I hung up on you
17:06 < timlinux> I gotta run - chat next time!
17:06 -!- timlinux [[email protected]] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:06 <@dassau> bye all and thanks!
17:06 -!- dassau [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
17:06 < duiv> thanks all
17:06 < pcav> ok, I'm also about to leave 
17:06 < pcav> ciao
17:07 < duiv> ok, we call it a day then? I'll copy this into the log.