MetaSearch Discovery Workflow

With the release of MetaSearch plugin, it is now easier to discover WMS/WFS/WCS resources and add them to QGIS.
However, some good practices must be defined in order to ensure that OGC services are correctly documented in metadata records.
For example, we recently discovered that in our GeoNetwork catalog all WMS services had the dc:URI elements scheme="OGC:WMS-1.1.1-http-get-map" and this was impending us to activate the "Add WMS" button in the plugin. The solution is to have scheme="OGC:WMS" and then everything works fine.

Consequently, this page is aiming to exchange ideas/experiences in order to dive deeper into this workflow and have this better supported in MetaSearch.


1. Instead of adding WMS/WFS/WCS to the list of services in QGIS, it would be nice to have also the possibility to add data directly to the ToC and the View window (e.g. download selected data with the correct extent, etc...). Workflow:
  • discover records
  • record has a download data link type
  • users clicks "Add Data" (new button)
  • MetaSearch downloads the data (to where?) and adds to map (how does it figure out whether it's raster or vector or something else? Test with GDAL/OGR first?)