There is a need for a collection of layers having a common location, although perhaps at different scales, with all the formats needed to demonstrate the full capabilities of Quantum GIS. For historical reasons, the location is Alaska. We need developers and documentation writers to contribute to the list, below, all the formats they would like. If there is a particular requirement, such as scale or metadata, please add this also.

Currently we are collecting data for the new Alaska dataset at If you would like to contribute an Alaska layer in one of the formats on the list below, please e-mail to the and attach the file or provide a link. The latest version of the sample data set is always available in zip format from This will be updated if new formats are added, and will eventually replace the existing sample dataset as these new formats get incorporated into the manual.

Existing Data

  • Shapefiles, including point, line and polygon. All auxilliary files should be included (such as .prj). Scale is the entire state of Alaska.
    • airports -> Airports (Point)
    • alaska -> Political Boundary (Polygon)
    • builtups -> Built-Up Areas (Polygon)
    • grassland -> Grassland > 10 km2 (Polygon)
    • lakes -> Lakes > 50 km2 (Polygon)
    • landice -> Land ice > 10 km2 (Polygon)
    • majrivers -> Major rivers (Line)
    • pipelines -> Pipelines (Line)
    • popp -> Population Points (Buildings/Settlements) (Point)
    • railroads -> Railroads (Line)
    • rivers -> Rivers and intermittend rivers (Line)
    • storagep -> Storage Point Features (Point)
    • swamp -> Swamp/Marsh > 10 km2 (Polygon)
    • trails -> Trails and Tracks (Line)
    • trees -> Forest > 10 km2 (Polygon)
    • tundra -> Tundra > 10 km2 (Polygon)
  • CSV table with elevation points
  • GML file (lakes -> Lakes > 50 km2 (Polygon))
  • GTopo30 elevation data (1km resolution) for entire Alaska
  • GPS data (some national_monuments as points)
  • AVHRR landcover for entire Alaska (Erdas Img) with colortable as txt file
  • GRASS location with /demo and /PERMANENT mapset
    • vector layers include: airports, alaska, rivers
    • raster layers include: gtopo30

Not included wishes