Community Team Meeting on 14 May 2008

First IRC meeting of the community team takes place on May 14th at 4 pm UTC.


This first meeting will be used to give all community assistants an overview about their roles. It shall be used as a general discussion platform for the community team in the beginning before the different topics are planned and implemented in smaller groups.

  • Short 'first community team meeting' introduction and the IRC
  • Questions and answers about the roles of the community team assistants (see ["Project Organigram"])
  • Collecting ideas for the different community services - brainstorming
    • Press Centre (Sascha - all)
    • Web, Blog and Forum (Stephan - all)
    • User and Conference Corner (Lars - all)
    • GUI Translations (Werner - all)
    • Manual (Tara - all) - probably already planning
  • Start concrete planning how to implement the ideas (TODO lists at CommunityTeamTasks)


The log is available at