Bug report #8861

Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 6 years ago

Good morning,

(win 7 / QGIS 2.0.1 64b)

The attached image shows a raster (coloured using a spectral colmap, very nice); on top of the raster, a vector layer (from a postGIS base but a quick test with the shp reveals the same issue).

The vector's symbology is attached; the polygons have white background, no border (yes they are adjacent, the topology is broadly correct, adjacent pgones do share the same vertices). Yet, is is possible to see a small gap between the polygon, and see the colour of the raster below. In this specific case it's annoying, because I'm trying to use this layer to mask part of the image below, and I really do not want to se the pgones borders... I would expect (as 1.8 did, I believe) a uniformly white blanket...

