Bug report #11903

Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

I'm running QGIS 2.6.0-Brighton under Mac OS X 10.9.5 on a

Mac Mini (late 2009) 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 GB RAM.

Settings > Configure Shortcuts… will not let me set a shortcut

which includes a Cmd key.

When I click on the "Change" button, which changes to "Input", the

button title displays

Ctrl- when the Cmd key is held

Alt- when the Option key is held

Meta- when the Ctrl key is held.

followed by whatever key I'm also holding down.

Attempt to set, for example, Cmd-L result in just L being set.

The standard Keyboard Viewer shows the correct keys - Cmd, Opt(Alt) & Ctrl

so OS X is "seeing" the right keys.

Work-around: I just used Opt.

But would be nice to be able to assign Cmd- shortcuts...

Truly wonderful software by the way!


Garth Fletcher
