Bug report #19029

Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 6 years ago

The problem that occurs is similar to an earlier issue that has been closed (#4370). (https://issues.qgis.org/issues/4370). It might be that the conclusion of that issue from 6 years ago still holds today, but I'd figure I'd ask again. Sorry if this is a waste of time. If it is, this issue can quickly be closed.

When attempting to run functions under the Raster dropdown menu (e.g. Raster > Miscellaneous > Merge...), a lot of these fail because of an 'ImportError: DLL load failed. The operating system cannot run %1.' (see figure). I've been able to establish that the cause is that LIBEAY32.dll (a dependency of GDAL202.dll) is found in C:\Windows first, instead of the one in the QGIS bin directory.

Is it somehow possible to force QGIS to look in its own directory first? Or is there any other method to avoid this conflict? I've now solved it by renaming the windows LIBEAY32.dll file, which doesn't seem like the best idea...
