Feature request #4900

Updated by Harrissou Santanna over 6 years ago

Looking into #4895 where NatanW proposes a gui element to set search paths for template folder, I think it would be a good idea for QGIS to have one or more folders where QGIS will look for QGIS related resources like: plugins, icons, templates, styles etc etc

Currently the .qgis folder is something like that, but that is supposed to to be handled by QGIS itself, so we can change it during an upgrade. But one drawback of .qgis is that it is a hidden folder (for non tech windows users at least).

So more: Convention over Configuration (CoC) then have another Settings-element for setting some search paths.

In this way a user would have one folder in which she can stick all templates, styles, icons and whatever is handy for qgis as long as that folder holds a predefined set of subfolders: icons, styles, templates, plugins...

For organisations working with shared icons and templates, it would be good to have the possibility to set several QGIS folders (like you can do for svg icons now).

Then the search path would be:

- .qgis folder

- first user defined folder

- second user defined folder

