Bug report #18247

Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 6 years ago

Using PostGIS data (PostgreSQL 9.5 and PostGIS 2.4.2) the WFS are not correctly managed. I see two problems:

1) problem with layer id . See the following GEOJSON which is the answer of a WFS request on my server:

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"bbox": [ 8.66328335, 44.37787282, 9.0979391, 44.52055853],
"features": [
* "id":"municipo.",
* "bbox":[8.911015, 44.394807, 8.948944, 44.441498],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.911086, 44.394807], [8.948944, 44.394831], [8.948903, 44.441498], [8.911015, 44.441475], [8.911086, 44.394807]]] },
"nome_munic":"Centro est"
"bbox":[8.875491, 44.388001, 8.94037, 44.430367],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.875581, 44.388001], [8.94037, 44.388053], [8.940326, 44.430367], [8.875491, 44.430314], [8.875581, 44.388001]]] },
"nome_munic":"Centro Ovest"
"bbox":[8.946167, 44.404599, 8.999985, 44.437809],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.946198, 44.404599], [8.999985, 44.404612], [8.999985, 44.437809], [8.946167, 44.437796], [8.946198, 44.404599]]] },
"nome_munic":"Bassa Val Bisagno"
"bbox":[8.930862, 44.414459, 9.057417, 44.485182],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.930946, 44.414459], [9.057348, 44.414466], [9.057417, 44.485182], [8.930862, 44.485176], [8.930946, 44.414459]]] },
"nome_munic":"Media Val Bisagno"
"bbox":[8.856775, 44.424035, 8.939742, 44.519878],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.857009, 44.424035], [8.939742, 44.424109], [8.939643, 44.519878], [8.856775, 44.519804], [8.857009, 44.424035]]] },
"nome_munic":"Val Polcevera"
"bbox":[8.816747, 44.399442, 8.890092, 44.476811],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.816989, 44.399442], [8.890092, 44.399536], [8.889946, 44.476811], [8.816747, 44.476717], [8.816989, 44.399442]]] },
"nome_munic":"Medio Ponente"
"bbox":[8.665559, 44.411659, 8.857853, 44.499071],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.666055, 44.411659], [8.857853, 44.412059], [8.857641, 44.499071], [8.665559, 44.498669], [8.666055, 44.411659]]] },
"bbox":[8.933302, 44.389217, 8.991497, 44.421298],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.933339, 44.389217], [8.991497, 44.389237], [8.991492, 44.421298], [8.933302, 44.421278], [8.933339, 44.389217]]] },
"nome_munic":"Medio Levante"
"bbox":[8.976466, 44.379032, 9.095649, 44.4365],
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[ [8.97649, 44.37907], [9.095556, 44.379032], [9.095649, 44.436462], [8.976466, 44.4365], [8.97649, 44.37907]]] },

2) for big PostgreSQL data the server crash
