Bug report #18290

Updated by Andreas Neumann over 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

Data source is Postgis

1. in Postgis create a new role with name = "quartiergestaltungsplan" and password = "quartiergestaltungsplan"
2. Make sure the Postgis DB you import has the extensions "postgis" and "uuid-ossp" enabled
Load attached database dump
4. 3. Open attached qgs file and check if you need to change datasource (e.g. hostname, port, dbname, etc.)
5. 4. Load the project
6. 5. Open the attribute table of layer "quartiergestaltungsplan"
7. 6. Switch to form mode
8. 7. Change to tab "quartiergestaltung_pdf"
9. 8. Switch to feature with t_id 10
10. 9. Make sure you can see the embedded form (as in screenshot 1)
11. 10. Close attribute table
12. 11. Open Layer Properties of layer "quartiergestaltungsplan"
13. 12. Switch to "Attributes Form" tab and select field "t_id"
14. 13. Change widget type of this field from "Hidden" to "Text Edit"
15. 14. Close dialogue with "OK"
16. 15. Open the attribute table of layer "quartiergestaltungsplan"
17. 16. Switch to form mode
18. 17. Change to tab "quartiergestaltung_pdf"

--> Problem: the embedded form in tab "quartiergestaltung_pdf" is gone

There is no way to bring back the embedded form of this relation.
