Bug report #17903

Updated by Harrissou Santanna over 6 years ago

Open vector layer properties --> Style --> Categorized -->Categorized style
Do the classification
Double-clic on a category symbol or the [Change] widget
The dialog that opens misses Cancel button (and in master, also the Help button). This is inconsistent with clicking the symbol in the layer tree. Actually instead of using QgsSymbolSelectorDialog as this context requires (show a dialog) the code is using QgsSymbolSelectorWidget (like embedded widgets in the styling panel).
This also concerns graduated style and the Edit rule dialog

PR I began a fix at https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5976/ for categorized and graduated for master
See https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/6187 for rule-based
but would need help to go forward (or if someone else wants to pick the issue)
