Feature request #15666

Updated by Jürgen Fischer almost 7 years ago


I have created a database with spatialite_gui tool (spatialite version 4.3.0a), the database has some spatial views created with a code like this


CREATE VIEW comunitorino AS

SELECT c.ROWID as rowid, c.cod_com, c.geometry

from comuni c;

INSERT INTO views_geometry_columns

(view_name, view_geometry, view_rowid, f_table_name, f_geometry_column,read_only)

VALUES ('comunitorino', 'geometry', 'rowid', 'comuni', 'geometry',1)

The view can be load in QGIS by 'add spatialite layer' button

The problem is that if I use DB Manager and open the DB the view will not be seen as spatial view.

If I create the same view in DB Manager Manger with the "Create a view" button the view will be seen as spatial view.

I wrote in qgis user mailing list and I solved it adding an entry in geometry_columns table (for the view created with spatialite.

It would better to align the two qgis tools: 'add spatialite layer' button and DB manager; so that spatial views will be always seen correctly.
