Bug report #16836

Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 7 years ago

So on the current master someone has played around and changed the way you can move lines (paths) around which is just a lot more confusing.
On every version up to and including 2.99 build commit:313ec55 313ec55 if you click the Node button then all you are doing is moving nodes around.
If you want to move a whole line there is this separate Move button.

But now someone has decided to be clever and put the Move function into Node editing so if you aren't sure where the node is and you don't click on it (and believe it or not the nodes are not very easy to see all of the time) then you end up dragging the line instead of the node then you have to drag the line back and that still hasn't helped you move the node you were trying to move.

I remember having a similar beef with Google over Google Earth when somebody decided to make the nodes smaller and harder to see because they looked ugly, it did not matter that the only time you see nodes is when editing a line, the rest of the time they are hidden.

Attached what a node looks like, hard to see, in the old version you could just click on the line and all the nodes would turn into squares, easier to see, now it will only highlight them if you hover the mouse, so you click the Pan button and drag the map then to get the nodes highlighted you have to then click the node edit button and hover the mouse over the line, then to pan you have to click the pan button again and then repeat, so a whole lot more steps are needed.

What annoys me is every time a new release comes out there is endless twiddling of the user interface, lots of resources going into attempting to design the perfect GUI, well it does not have to be perfect and is there actually any usability testing or focus groups before these changes to the GUI come out because for those of us trying to get some real work done then having to relearn some new tweak with each update then it's like the SVG edit dialog, I have to keep several computers running multiple different software versions to deal with the new GUI bugs that someone hasn't tested properly. It's actually virtually impossible to revert to a previous master that doesn't have the bugs, so I end up having to use version 2.1x which has a different project file format meaning opening a 2.99 project means some of the settings in it simply are not recognized recognised and imported so some functionality will not work.

This thing is supposed to be freezing for release in a month and it has new bugs in it? Where do you stop introducing new bugs and focus on fixing old ones?
