Bug report #16544

Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 7 years ago

h1. Steps to reproduce

1. Create a vector memory layer with some features
2. Try accessing getFeatures(QgsMapRequest) in Python:
request = QgsFeatureRequest(QgsRectangle(mapCoords, mapCoords)) # insert e. g. click coordinates here
features = list(memoryLayer.getFeatures(request))

h2. Observed behaviour

No feature is returned.

h2. Expected behaviour

The features intersecting with the given point are returned.

h1. Remarks

On layers loaded from disks, this works like a charm (you don't even need to supply the ExactIntersect flag).

An easy workaround is to not use exact feature requests, but just use normal ones and filtering manually with
Something similar could probably be the fix already.

Normal requests return all features which intersect with their bounding box.

See also #16068 also: https://issues.qgis.org/issues/16068
