Bug report #10900

Updated by Matthias Kuhn about 7 years ago

Good morning,

trying to filter the entries of a "Value relation" with the extent of the current map canvas, I get a empty list of values.

The same expression used to update a column of the table works fine...

Here is the expression I use :


intersects( $geometry , geomFromWKT( $current_canvas_extent ))


and here is the function providing $current_canvas_extent :


from qgis.utils import qgsfunction

from qgis.utils import iface

@qgsfunction(0, "Python")

def current_canvas_extent(values, feature, parent):


retourne l etendue courante de la carte


extend = iface.mapCanvas().extent().asWktPolygon()

return extend


It woks fine on 2.2

Thanks a lot,

Mathieu Bossaert
