Feature request #16255

Updated by Regis Haubourg about 7 years ago

We use only LTR (currently 2.14), working in UK. We keep an Ordnance Survey folder of svg files for MasterMap (folder name: osmmsymbols) in the folder at C:\\Program Files\\QGIS 2.14\\apps\\qgis-ltr\\svg. Whenever we upgrade PCs, e.g. from 2.14.11 to 2.14.12, the 'osmmsymbols' is lost from the aforementioned Program Files folder. So, for every PC we upgrade, we have to always copy and paste this folder from another location.

We have almost 50 PCs using QGIS, and there are upgrades every month or two, so it causes quite a lot of extra work, which seems like it should not be necessary. Perhaps it is a problem rather specific to UK OS MasterMap users, but I guess it would apply to any users who use svg folders located within the same apps\\qgis-ltr\\svg folder.

Perhaps it could be resolved in the upgrade process by detecting svg subfolders that are not 'core', and making a temp copy to then paste into the recreated apps\\qgis-ltr\\svg folder near the end of the process.

Or, perhaps we could ask Ordnance Survey to collaborate with QGIS developers by submitting their svg folder for inclusion as a core svg folder, though they may not like this idea if they want to maintain a less-than-open copyright on those symbols.
