Bug report #21949

Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 5 years ago

When trying to buffer a point dataset with the GDAL buffer vector function, the attributes get obviously encoded to sth else than the original UTF-8.
All special characters become a ? on black rhombic background. When manually setting the resulting layer to windows1252, the special characters are visible again.
This seems to apply to other GDAL/OGR functions besides buffer as well.

Besides that I would like to second Tobias's feature request #21279 https://issues.qgis.org/issues/21279 to change the output format from ESRI shapefile to GPKG, cause shape format (dbase) might cripple any GPKG-based workflow. And as GPKG is UTF-8 by default, the encoding issues would/could/should be gone as well, I hope.

QGIS 3.6.2 on Linux Mint
