Bug report #21328

Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 5 years ago

I have a PostGIS-Table served by Geoserver 2.14 as WFS-T an loaded into QGIS as a Layer.

I'm filtering the WFS-Layer on the current maps extent e.g.:
intersects($geometry, geom_from_wkt('POLYGON((353413.55898328585317358 5688606.70667716674506664, 364463.52300688700051978 5688606.70667716674506664, 364463.52300688700051978 5697217.71467754058539867, 353413.55898328585317358 5697217.71467754058539867, 353413.55898328585317358 5688606.70667716674506664))'))

If I edit a feature (e.g. with ID 111071). QGIS 3.4.4 creates a incorrect filter
filter = [ radroutenspeicher_admin.112505 ] //Geoserver LOG output
instead of filter = [ radroutenspeicher_admin.111071]

This changes (updates, deletes) other features instead of the edited one.

Request: transaction
service = WFS
version = 1.0.0
baseUrl = https://server.de:443/geoserver/
group[0] = wfs:update=net.opengis.wfs.impl.UpdateElementTypeImpl@250a8e07 (filter: [ radroutenspeicher_admin.112505 ], handle: null, inputFormat: <unset>, srsName: null, typeName: {radroutenspeicher}radroutenspeicher_admin)
name = {radroutenspeicher}mobikenn
value = {}property[0]:
name = {radroutenspeicher}streckennetz
value = {}property[0]:
name = {radroutenspeicher}routenzugehoerigkeit
value = {}property[0]:
name = {radroutenspeicher}kommentar
value = test
filter = [ radroutenspeicher_admin.112505 ]
inputFormat = x-application/gml:3
typeName = {radroutenspeicher}radroutenspeicher_admin
releaseAction = ALL
2019-02-20 16:45:45,982 INFO [org.geoserver.flow] - releasing flow controllers for [WFS 1.0.0 Transaction]
