Feature request #21759

Changing rendering behavior on zoom to prevent flashes

Added by Andrew Annex about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Category:Map Canvas
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29574


On macOS with qgis 3.4.6 LTR. Unknown if this is on other systems

Zooming should disable rendering until the updated map view is completely rendered and then display. Currently with multiple raster and vector layers, with some wms layers, when a zoom event the canvas is cleared to white followed by various layers rendering and popping into view which causes eye strain and is visually distracting.

The behavior I want is closer to what happens when the render checkbox is deselected. The existing canvas should be in view until the new canvas has completely finished rendering and then it should replace the current canvas view on the screen. This behavior should probably be configurable


#1 Updated by Øystein Sture about 5 years ago

Andrew Annex wrote:

On macOS with qgis 3.4.6 LTR. Unknown if this is on other systems

Zooming should disable rendering until the updated map view is completely rendered and then display. Currently with multiple raster and vector layers, with some wms layers, when a zoom event the canvas is cleared to white followed by various layers rendering and popping into view which causes eye strain and is visually distracting.

The behavior I want is closer to what happens when the render checkbox is deselected. The existing canvas should be in view until the new canvas has completely finished rendering and then it should replace the current canvas view on the screen. This behavior should probably be configurable

Increasing the time under "Rendering - Map update interval" will cause the renderer to block for a longer time before showing a partial canvas

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