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API breaks and cleanups for QgsCoordinateTransform
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- isInitialised() has been renamed to isValid()
- theCRS parameter in setSourceCrs has been renamed to 'crs'
- setDestCRS() has been renamed to setDestinationCrs() for consistency
- destCRS() has been renamed to destinationCrs() for consistency
- theSource, theDest, theSourceSrsId, theDestSrsId, theSourceWkt,
theDestWkt, theSourceCRSType parameters in the QgsCoordinateTransform
constructors have been renamed to source, destination, sourceSrsId,
destinationSrsId, sourceWkt, destinationWkt, sourceCrsType respectively
- 'p' argument in transform() has been renamed to 'point', 'theRect' to
'rectangle', 'poly' to 'polygon'
- setDestCRSID has been removed, use setDestinationCrs() instead
- 'theNode', 'theDoc' parameters in readXML and writeXML have been
renamed to 'node' and 'document' respectively
- readXML() and writeXML() have been renamed to readXml() and writeXml()
for consistency
  • Loading branch information
nyalldawson committed Jul 16, 2016
1 parent 353ed54 commit ffa9b9b
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Showing 20 changed files with 238 additions and 180 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions doc/api_break.dox
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ not slots. The invalidTransformInput() signal has been removed.</li>
<li>QgsCoordinateTransform::clone() has been removed. Just use direct copies instead.</li>
<li>sourceCrs() and destCrs() now return a copy instead of a reference to the CRS. This has no effect on PyQGIS code, but c++
plugins calling these methods will need to be updated.</li>
<li>isInitialised() has been renamed to isValid()</li>
<li>theCRS parameter in setSourceCrs has been renamed to 'crs'</li>
<li>setDestCRS() has been renamed to setDestinationCrs() for consistency</li>
<li>destCRS() has been renamed to destinationCrs() for consistency</li>
<li>theSource, theDest, theSourceSrsId, theDestSrsId, theSourceWkt, theDestWkt, theSourceCRSType parameters in the QgsCoordinateTransform constructors have been renamed to source, destination, sourceSrsId, destinationSrsId, sourceWkt, destinationWkt, sourceCrsType respectively</li>
<li>'p' argument in transform() has been renamed to 'point', 'theRect' to 'rectangle', 'poly' to 'polygon'</li>
<li>setDestCRSID has been removed, use setDestinationCrs() instead</li>
<li>'theNode', 'theDoc' parameters in readXML and writeXML have been renamed to 'node' and 'document' respectively</li>
<li>readXML() and writeXML() have been renamed to readXml() and writeXml() for consistency</li>

\subsection qgis_api_break_3_0_DataProviders Data Providers
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116 changes: 55 additions & 61 deletions python/core/qgscoordinatetransform.sip
Expand Up @@ -33,69 +33,79 @@ class QgsCoordinateTransform

/** Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem objects.
* @param theSource CRS, typically of the layer's coordinate system
* @param theDest CRS, typically of the map canvas coordinate system
* @param source source CRS, typically of the layer's coordinate system
* @param destination CRS, typically of the map canvas coordinate system
QgsCoordinateTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& theSource,
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& theDest );
QgsCoordinateTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& source,
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& destination );

/** Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using CRS ID of source and destination CRS */
QgsCoordinateTransform( long theSourceSrsId, long theDestSrsId );
QgsCoordinateTransform( long sourceSrsId, long destinationSrsId );

* Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using the Well Known Text representation
* of the layer and map canvas coordinate systems
* @param theSourceWkt Wkt, typically of the layer's coordinate system
* @param theDestWkt Wkt, typically of the map canvas coordinate system
* @param sourceWkt WKT, typically of the layer's coordinate system
* @param destinationWkt WKT, typically of the map canvas coordinate system
QgsCoordinateTransform( const QString& theSourceWkt, const QString& theDestWkt );
QgsCoordinateTransform( const QString& sourceWkt, const QString& destinationWkt );

* Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using a Spatial Reference Id
* of the layer and map canvas coordinate system as Wkt
* @param theSourceSrid Spatial Ref Id of the layer's coordinate system
* @param theDestWkt Wkt of the map canvas coordinate system
* @param theSourceCRSType On of the enum members defined in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::CrsType
* @param sourceSrid Spatial Ref Id of the layer's coordinate system
* @param destinationWkt Wkt of the map canvas coordinate system
* @param sourceCRSType On of the enum members defined in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::CrsType
QgsCoordinateTransform( long theSourceSrid,
const QString& theDestWkt,
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::CrsType theSourceCRSType = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::PostgisCrsId );

//! destructor
QgsCoordinateTransform( long sourceSrid,
const QString& destinationWkt,
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::CrsType sourceCRSType = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::PostgisCrsId );

* Set the source (layer) QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
* @param theCRS QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem representation of the layer's coordinate system
* Returns true if the coordinate transform is valid, ie both the source and destination
* CRS have been set and are valid.
* @note added in QGIS 3.0
void setSourceCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& theCRS );
bool isValid() const;

* Mutator for dest QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
* @param theCRS of the destination coordinate system
* Sets the source coordinate reference system.
* @param crs CRS to transform coordinates from
* @see sourceCrs()
* @see setDestinationCrs()
void setDestCRS( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& theCRS );
void setSourceCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs );

* Get the QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem representation of the layer's coordinate system
* @return QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem of the layer's coordinate system
* Sets the destination coordinate reference system.
* @param crs CRS to transform coordinates to
* @see destinationCrs()
* @see setSourceCrs()
void setDestinationCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs );

/** Returns the source coordinate reference system, which the transform will
* transform coordinates from.
* @see setSourceCrs()
* @see destinationCrs()
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs() const;

* Get the QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem representation of the map canvas coordinate system
* @return QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem of the map canvas coordinate system
/** Returns the destination coordinate reference system, which the transform will
* transform coordinates to.
* @see setDestinationCrs()
* @see sourceCrs()
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destCRS() const;
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destinationCrs() const;

/** Transform the point from Source Coordinate System to Destination Coordinate System
* If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* @param p Point to transform
* @param point Point to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to ForwardTransform)
* @return QgsPoint in Destination Coordinate System
QgsPoint transform( const QgsPoint &p, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const throw (QgsCsException);
QgsPoint transform( const QgsPoint &point, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const throw (QgsCsException);

/** Transform the point specified by x,y from Source Coordinate System to Destination Coordinate System
* If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
Expand All @@ -107,19 +117,19 @@ class QgsCoordinateTransform
QgsPoint transform( const double x, const double y, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const throw (QgsCsException);

/** Transform a QgsRectangle to the dest Coordinate system
/** Transforms a QgsRectangle to the dest Coordinate system
* If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* It assumes that rect is a bounding box, and creates a bounding box
* in the proejcted CS, so that all points in source rectangle is within
* returned rectangle.
* @param theRect rect to transform
* @param rectangle rectangle to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to ForwardTransform)
* @param handle180Crossover set to true if destination crs is geographic and handling of extents crossing the 180 degree
* longitude line is required
* @return QgsRectangle in Destination Coordinate System
QgsRectangle transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle &theRect, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform, const bool handle180Crossover = false ) const throw (QgsCsException);
QgsRectangle transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle &rectangle, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform, const bool handle180Crossover = false ) const throw (QgsCsException);

// Same as for the other transform() functions, but alters the x
// and y variables in place. The second one works with good old-fashioned
Expand All @@ -138,16 +148,16 @@ class QgsCoordinateTransform
// void transformInPlace( QVector<double>& x, QVector<double>& y, QVector<double>& z,
// TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const;

void transformPolygon( QPolygonF& poly, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const;
void transformPolygon( QPolygonF& polygon, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const;

/** Transform a QgsRectangle to the dest Coordinate system
* If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* @param theRect rect to transform
* @param rectangle rect to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to ForwardTransform)
* @return QgsRectangle in Destination Coordinate System
QgsRectangle transform( const QgsRectangle &theRect, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const throw (QgsCsException);
QgsRectangle transform( const QgsRectangle &rectangle, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const throw (QgsCsException);

/** Transform an array of coordinates to a different Coordinate System
* If the direction is ForwardTransform then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
Expand All @@ -161,28 +171,10 @@ class QgsCoordinateTransform
void transformCoords( int numPoint, double *x, double *y, double *z, TransformDirection direction = ForwardTransform ) const throw (QgsCsException);

* Flag to indicate whether the coordinate systems have been initialized
* @return true if initialized, otherwise false
bool isInitialised() const;

/** See if the transform short circuits because src and dest are equivalent
* @return bool True if it short circuits
/** Returns true if the transform short circuits because the source and destination are equivalent.
bool isShortCircuited() const;

/** Change the destination coordinate system by passing it a qgis srsid
* A QGIS srsid is a unique key value to an entry on the tbl_srs in the
* srs.db sqlite database.
* @note This slot will usually be called if the
* project properties change and a different coordinate system is
* selected.
* @note This coord transform will be reinitialized when this slot is called
* to check if short circuiting is needed or not etc.
* @param theCRSID - A long representing the srsid of the srs to be used */
void setDestCRSID( long theCRSID );

/** Returns list of datum transformations for the given src and dest CRS
* @note not available in python bindings
Expand All @@ -201,16 +193,18 @@ class QgsCoordinateTransform
void initialise();

/** Restores state from the given Dom node.
* @param theNode The node from which state will be restored
* @param node The node from which state will be restored
* @return bool True on success, False on failure
* @see writeXml()
bool readXML( const QDomNode & theNode );
bool readXml( const QDomNode& node );

/** Stores state to the given Dom node in the given document
* @param theNode The node in which state will be restored
* @param theDoc The document in which state will be stored
* @param node The node in which state will be restored
* @param document The document in which state will be stored
* @return bool True on success, False on failure
* @see readXml()
bool writeXML( QDomNode & theNode, QDomDocument & theDoc ) const;
bool writeXml( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const;

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/network/qgslinevectorlayerdirector.cpp
Expand Up @@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ void QgsLineVectorLayerDirector::makeGraph( QgsGraphBuilderInterface *builder, c
ct.setSourceCrs( vl->crs() );
if ( builder->coordinateTransformationEnabled() )
ct.setDestCRS( builder->destinationCrs() );
ct.setDestinationCrs( builder->destinationCrs() );
ct.setDestCRS( vl->crs() );
ct.setDestinationCrs( vl->crs() );

tiedPoint = QVector< QgsPoint >( additionalPoints.size(), QgsPoint( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/composer/qgscomposermapgrid.cpp
Expand Up @@ -2404,7 +2404,7 @@ int QgsComposerMapGrid::crsGridParams( QgsRectangle& crsRect, QgsCoordinateTrans

inverseTransform.setSourceCrs( mCRS );
inverseTransform.setDestCRS( mComposerMap->composition()->mapSettings().destinationCrs() );
inverseTransform.setDestinationCrs( mComposerMap->composition()->mapSettings().destinationCrs() );
catch ( QgsCsException & cse )
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21 changes: 6 additions & 15 deletions src/core/qgscoordinatetransform.cpp
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void QgsCoordinateTransform::setSourceCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& c
d->mSourceCRS = crs;
void QgsCoordinateTransform::setDestCRS( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs )
void QgsCoordinateTransform::setDestinationCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs )
d->mDestCRS = crs;
Expand All @@ -92,20 +92,11 @@ QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsCoordinateTransform::sourceCrs() const
return d->mSourceCRS;

QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsCoordinateTransform::destCRS() const
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsCoordinateTransform::destinationCrs() const
return d->mDestCRS;

void QgsCoordinateTransform::setDestCRSID( long crsId )
//!todo Add some logic here to determine if the srsid is a system or user one
d->mDestCRS = QgsCRSCache::instance()->crsBySrsId( crsId );

QgsPoint QgsCoordinateTransform::transform( const QgsPoint &thePoint, TransformDirection direction ) const
if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,17 +565,17 @@ void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformCoords( int numPoints, double *x, double *

bool QgsCoordinateTransform::isInitialised() const
bool QgsCoordinateTransform::isValid() const
return d->mIsValid;

bool QgsCoordinateTransform::isShortCircuited() const
return d->mShortCircuit;
return !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit;

bool QgsCoordinateTransform::readXML( const QDomNode & theNode )
bool QgsCoordinateTransform::readXml( const QDomNode & theNode )

Expand All @@ -602,7 +593,7 @@ bool QgsCoordinateTransform::readXML( const QDomNode & theNode )
return d->initialise();

bool QgsCoordinateTransform::writeXML( QDomNode & theNode, QDomDocument & theDoc ) const
bool QgsCoordinateTransform::writeXml( QDomNode & theNode, QDomDocument & theDoc ) const
QDomElement myNodeElement = theNode.toElement();
QDomElement myTransformElement = theDoc.createElement( "coordinatetransform" );
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