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[3d] fix camera controller using wrong shift/ctrl status (fixes #20131)
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We used Qt3DInput::QLogicalDevice with its axes and actions for camera
controller, but over time this got quite impractical, moreover we started
to have problems with shift/ctrl actions getting stuck in wrong state
in case they were pressed or released while 3D canvas was not focused
(which is in fact relatively common when using other widgets in the GUI)

This commit switches over to using just QMouseHandler and QKeyboardHandler
for handling key and mouse events and this not only makes the code easier
to read, but also the issues with shift/ctrl go away (because we do not
keep their status anymore, we just check whether they are active inside
event handlers).

The speed of change with mouse wheel and keys should be similar or a bit
less than what it was before.
wonder-sk committed Nov 6, 2018
1 parent 1e16680 commit fbde0c8
Showing 4 changed files with 246 additions and 270 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/3d/qgs3dmapscene.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@

#include <Qt3DRender/QCamera>
#include <Qt3DRender/QMesh>
#include <Qt3DRender/QObjectPicker>
#include <Qt3DRender/QPickEvent>
#include <Qt3DRender/QPickingSettings>
#include <Qt3DRender/QPickTriangleEvent>
#include <Qt3DRender/QPointLight>
#include <Qt3DRender/QRenderSettings>
#include <Qt3DRender/QSceneLoader>
#include <Qt3DExtras/QForwardRenderer>
446 changes: 215 additions & 231 deletions src/3d/qgscameracontroller.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,130 +21,43 @@
#include "qgis.h"

#include <QDomDocument>
#include <Qt3DRender/QCamera>
#include <Qt3DRender/QObjectPicker>
#include <Qt3DRender/QPickEvent>
#include <Qt3DInput>

QgsCameraController::QgsCameraController( Qt3DCore::QNode *parent )
: Qt3DCore::QEntity( parent )
, mMouseDevice( new Qt3DInput::QMouseDevice() )
, mKeyboardDevice( new Qt3DInput::QKeyboardDevice() )
, mMouseHandler( new Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler )
, mLogicalDevice( new Qt3DInput::QLogicalDevice() )
, mLeftMouseButtonAction( new Qt3DInput::QAction() )
, mLeftMouseButtonInput( new Qt3DInput::QActionInput() )
, mMiddleMouseButtonAction( new Qt3DInput::QAction() )
, mMiddleMouseButtonInput( new Qt3DInput::QActionInput() )
, mRightMouseButtonAction( new Qt3DInput::QAction() )
, mRightMouseButtonInput( new Qt3DInput::QActionInput() )
, mShiftAction( new Qt3DInput::QAction() )
, mShiftInput( new Qt3DInput::QActionInput() )
, mCtrlAction( new Qt3DInput::QAction() )
, mCtrlInput( new Qt3DInput::QActionInput() )
, mWheelAxis( new Qt3DInput::QAxis() )
, mMouseWheelInput( new Qt3DInput::QAnalogAxisInput() )
, mTxAxis( new Qt3DInput::QAxis() )
, mTyAxis( new Qt3DInput::QAxis() )
, mKeyboardTxPosInput( new Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput() )
, mKeyboardTyPosInput( new Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput() )
, mKeyboardTxNegInput( new Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput() )
, mKeyboardTyNegInput( new Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput() )
, mTelevAxis( new Qt3DInput::QAxis() )
, mKeyboardTelevPosInput( new Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput() )
, mKeyboardTelevNegInput( new Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput() )
, mKeyboardHandler( new Qt3DInput::QKeyboardHandler )

// not using QAxis + QAnalogAxisInput for mouse X,Y because
// it is only in action when a mouse button is pressed.
mMouseHandler->setSourceDevice( mMouseDevice );
connect( mMouseHandler, &Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler::positionChanged,
this, &QgsCameraController::onPositionChanged );
connect( mMouseHandler, &Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler::wheel,
this, &QgsCameraController::onWheel );
connect( mMouseHandler, &Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler::pressed,
this, &QgsCameraController::onMousePressed );
connect( mMouseHandler, &Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler::released,
this, &QgsCameraController::onMouseReleased );
addComponent( mMouseHandler );

// TODO: keep using QAxis and QAction approach or just switch to using QMouseHandler / QKeyboardHandler?
// it does not feel like the former approach makes anything much simpler

// left mouse button
mLeftMouseButtonInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::LeftButton );
mLeftMouseButtonInput->setSourceDevice( mMouseDevice );
mLeftMouseButtonAction->addInput( mLeftMouseButtonInput );

// middle mouse button
mMiddleMouseButtonInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::MiddleButton );
mMiddleMouseButtonInput->setSourceDevice( mMouseDevice );
mMiddleMouseButtonAction->addInput( mMiddleMouseButtonInput );

// right mouse button
mRightMouseButtonInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::RightButton );
mRightMouseButtonInput->setSourceDevice( mMouseDevice );
mRightMouseButtonAction->addInput( mRightMouseButtonInput );

// Mouse Wheel (Y)
mMouseWheelInput->setAxis( Qt3DInput::QMouseDevice::WheelY );
mMouseWheelInput->setSourceDevice( mMouseDevice );
mWheelAxis->addInput( mMouseWheelInput );

// Keyboard shift
mShiftInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_Shift );
mShiftInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mShiftAction->addInput( mShiftInput );

// Keyboard ctrl
mCtrlInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_Control );
mCtrlInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mCtrlAction->addInput( mCtrlInput );

// Keyboard Pos Tx
mKeyboardTxPosInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_Right );
mKeyboardTxPosInput->setScale( 1.0f );
mKeyboardTxPosInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mTxAxis->addInput( mKeyboardTxPosInput );

// Keyboard Pos Ty
mKeyboardTyPosInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_Up );
mKeyboardTyPosInput->setScale( 1.0f );
mKeyboardTyPosInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mTyAxis->addInput( mKeyboardTyPosInput );

// Keyboard Neg Tx
mKeyboardTxNegInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_Left );
mKeyboardTxNegInput->setScale( -1.0f );
mKeyboardTxNegInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mTxAxis->addInput( mKeyboardTxNegInput );

// Keyboard Neg Ty
mKeyboardTyNegInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_Down );
mKeyboardTyNegInput->setScale( -1.0f );
mKeyboardTyNegInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mTyAxis->addInput( mKeyboardTyNegInput );

// Keyboard Neg Telev
mKeyboardTelevNegInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_PageDown );
mKeyboardTelevNegInput->setScale( -1.0f );
mKeyboardTelevNegInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mTelevAxis->addInput( mKeyboardTelevNegInput );

// Keyboard Pos Telev
mKeyboardTelevPosInput->setButtons( QVector<int>() << Qt::Key_PageUp );
mKeyboardTelevPosInput->setScale( 1.0f );
mKeyboardTelevPosInput->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
mTelevAxis->addInput( mKeyboardTelevPosInput );

mLogicalDevice->addAction( mLeftMouseButtonAction );
mLogicalDevice->addAction( mMiddleMouseButtonAction );
mLogicalDevice->addAction( mRightMouseButtonAction );
mLogicalDevice->addAction( mShiftAction );
mLogicalDevice->addAction( mCtrlAction );
mLogicalDevice->addAxis( mWheelAxis );
mLogicalDevice->addAxis( mTxAxis );
mLogicalDevice->addAxis( mTyAxis );
mLogicalDevice->addAxis( mTelevAxis );

// Disable the logical device when the entity is disabled
connect( this, &Qt3DCore::QEntity::enabledChanged,
mLogicalDevice, &Qt3DInput::QLogicalDevice::setEnabled );
mKeyboardHandler->setSourceDevice( mKeyboardDevice );
connect( mKeyboardHandler, &Qt3DInput::QKeyboardHandler::pressed,
this, &QgsCameraController::onKeyPressed );
connect( mKeyboardHandler, &Qt3DInput::QKeyboardHandler::released,
this, &QgsCameraController::onKeyReleased );
addComponent( mKeyboardHandler );

addComponent( mLogicalDevice );
// Disable the handlers when the entity is disabled
connect( this, &Qt3DCore::QEntity::enabledChanged,
mMouseHandler, &Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler::setEnabled );
connect( this, &Qt3DCore::QEntity::enabledChanged,
mKeyboardHandler, &Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler::setEnabled );

void QgsCameraController::setTerrainEntity( QgsTerrainEntity *te )
@@ -257,130 +170,7 @@ void QgsCameraController::rotateCamera( float diffPitch, float diffYaw )

void QgsCameraController::frameTriggered( float dt )
if ( mCamera == nullptr )

QgsCameraPose oldCamPose = mCameraPose;
float dist = mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint();
float yaw = mCameraPose.headingAngle();
float pitch = mCameraPose.pitchAngle();
QgsVector3D center = mCameraPose.centerPoint();

int dx = mMousePos.x() - mLastMousePos.x();
int dy = mMousePos.y() - mLastMousePos.y();
mLastMousePos = mMousePos;

double scaling = ( mCtrlAction->isActive() ? 0.1 : 1.0 );
dist -= scaling * dist * mWheelAxis->value() * 10 * dt;

if ( mRightMouseButtonAction->isActive() )
dist -= dist * dy * 0.01;

float tx = mTxAxis->value() * dt * dist * 1.5;
float ty = -mTyAxis->value() * dt * dist * 1.5;
float telev = mTelevAxis->value() * dt * 300;

mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( dist );

if ( !mShiftAction->isActive() && !mCtrlAction->isActive() && ( tx || ty ) )
// moving with keyboard - take into account yaw of camera
float t = sqrt( tx * tx + ty * ty );
float a = atan2( ty, tx ) - yaw * M_PI / 180;
float dx = cos( a ) * t;
float dy = sin( a ) * t;
center.set( center.x() + dx, center.y(), center.z() + dy );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );

if ( ( mLeftMouseButtonAction->isActive() && mShiftAction->isActive() ) || mMiddleMouseButtonAction->isActive() )
// rotate/tilt using mouse (camera moves as it rotates around its view center)
pitch += dy;
yaw -= dx / 2;
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( pitch );
mCameraPose.setHeadingAngle( yaw );
else if ( mShiftAction->isActive() && ( mTxAxis->value() || mTyAxis->value() ) )
// rotate/tilt using keyboard (camera moves as it rotates around its view center)
pitch -= mTyAxis->value(); // down key = moving camera toward terrain
yaw -= mTxAxis->value(); // right key = moving camera clockwise
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( pitch );
mCameraPose.setHeadingAngle( yaw );
else if ( mCtrlAction->isActive() && mLeftMouseButtonAction->isActive() )
// rotate/tilt using mouse (camera stays at one position as it rotates)
float diffPitch = 0.2 * dy;
float diffYaw = 0.2 * -dx / 2;
rotateCamera( diffPitch, diffYaw );
else if ( mCtrlAction->isActive() && ( mTxAxis->value() || mTyAxis->value() ) )
// rotate/tilt using keyboard (camera stays at one position as it rotates)
float diffPitch = mTyAxis->value(); // down key = rotating camera down
float diffYaw = -mTxAxis->value(); // right key = rotating camera to the right
rotateCamera( diffPitch, diffYaw );
else if ( mLeftMouseButtonAction->isActive() && !mShiftAction->isActive() )
// translation works as if one grabbed a point on the plane and dragged it
// i.e. find out x,z of the previous mouse point, find out x,z of the current mouse point
// and use the difference

float z = mLastPressedHeight;
QPointF p1 = screen_point_to_point_on_plane( QPointF( mMousePos - QPoint( dx, dy ) ), mViewport, mCamera, z );
QPointF p2 = screen_point_to_point_on_plane( QPointF( mMousePos ), mViewport, mCamera, z );

center.set( center.x() - ( p2.x() - p1.x() ), center.y(), center.z() - ( p2.y() - p1.y() ) );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );

if ( telev != 0 )
center.set( center.x(), center.y() + telev, center.z() );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );

if ( std::isnan( mCameraPose.centerPoint().x() ) || std::isnan( mCameraPose.centerPoint().y() ) || std::isnan( mCameraPose.centerPoint().z() ) )
// something went horribly wrong but we need to at least try to fix it somehow
qDebug() << "camera position got NaN!";
center.set( 0, 0, 0 );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );

if ( mCameraPose.pitchAngle() > 180 )
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( 180 ); // prevent going over the head
if ( mCameraPose.pitchAngle() < 0 )
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( 0 ); // prevent going over the head
if ( mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint() < 10 )
mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( 10 );

if ( mCameraPose != oldCamPose )
mCameraPose.updateCamera( mCamera );

if ( mTerrainEntity && mCameraPose.centerPoint() != oldCamPose.centerPoint() )
// figure out our distance from terrain and update the camera's view center
// so that camera tilting and rotation is around a point on terrain, not an point at fixed elevation
QVector3D intersectionPoint;
QgsRayCastingUtils::Ray3D ray = QgsRayCastingUtils::rayForCameraCenter( mCamera );
if ( mTerrainEntity->rayIntersection( ray, intersectionPoint ) )
float dist = ( intersectionPoint - mCamera->position() ).length();
mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( dist );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( QgsVector3D( intersectionPoint ) );
mCameraPose.updateCamera( mCamera );

emit cameraChanged();
Q_UNUSED( dt );

void QgsCameraController::resetView( float distance )
@@ -453,11 +243,205 @@ void QgsCameraController::readXml( const QDomElement &elem )
setLookingAtPoint( QgsVector3D( x, elev, y ), dist, pitch, yaw );

void QgsCameraController::updateCameraFromPose( bool centerPointChanged )
if ( std::isnan( mCameraPose.centerPoint().x() ) || std::isnan( mCameraPose.centerPoint().y() ) || std::isnan( mCameraPose.centerPoint().z() ) )
// something went horribly wrong but we need to at least try to fix it somehow
qDebug() << "camera position got NaN!";
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( QgsVector3D( 0, 0, 0 ) );

if ( mCameraPose.pitchAngle() > 180 )
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( 180 ); // prevent going over the head
if ( mCameraPose.pitchAngle() < 0 )
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( 0 ); // prevent going over the head
if ( mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint() < 10 )
mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( 10 );

if ( mCamera )
mCameraPose.updateCamera( mCamera );

if ( mCamera && mTerrainEntity && centerPointChanged )
// figure out our distance from terrain and update the camera's view center
// so that camera tilting and rotation is around a point on terrain, not an point at fixed elevation
QVector3D intersectionPoint;
QgsRayCastingUtils::Ray3D ray = QgsRayCastingUtils::rayForCameraCenter( mCamera );
if ( mTerrainEntity->rayIntersection( ray, intersectionPoint ) )
float dist = ( intersectionPoint - mCamera->position() ).length();
mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( dist );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( QgsVector3D( intersectionPoint ) );
mCameraPose.updateCamera( mCamera );

emit cameraChanged();

void QgsCameraController::onPositionChanged( Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent *mouse )
int dx = mouse->x() - mMousePos.x();
int dy = mouse->y() - mMousePos.y();

bool hasShift = ( mouse->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier );
bool hasCtrl = ( mouse->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier );
bool hasLeftButton = ( mouse->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton );
bool hasMiddleButton = ( mouse->buttons() & Qt::MiddleButton );
bool hasRightButton = ( mouse->buttons() & Qt::RightButton );

if ( ( hasLeftButton && hasShift && !hasCtrl ) || ( hasMiddleButton && !hasShift && !hasCtrl ) )
// rotate/tilt using mouse (camera moves as it rotates around its view center)
float pitch = mCameraPose.pitchAngle();
float yaw = mCameraPose.headingAngle();
pitch += dy;
yaw -= dx / 2;
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( pitch );
mCameraPose.setHeadingAngle( yaw );
else if ( hasLeftButton && hasCtrl && !hasShift )
// rotate/tilt using mouse (camera stays at one position as it rotates)
float diffPitch = 0.2f * dy;
float diffYaw = 0.2f * -dx / 2;
rotateCamera( diffPitch, diffYaw );
updateCameraFromPose( true );
else if ( hasLeftButton && !hasShift && !hasCtrl )
// translation works as if one grabbed a point on the plane and dragged it
// i.e. find out x,z of the previous mouse point, find out x,z of the current mouse point
// and use the difference

float z = mLastPressedHeight;
QPointF p1 = screen_point_to_point_on_plane( QPointF( mMousePos.x(), mMousePos.y() ), mViewport, mCamera, z );
QPointF p2 = screen_point_to_point_on_plane( QPointF( mouse->x(), mouse->y() ), mViewport, mCamera, z );

QgsVector3D center = mCameraPose.centerPoint();
center.set( center.x() - ( p2.x() - p1.x() ), center.y(), center.z() - ( p2.y() - p1.y() ) );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );
updateCameraFromPose( true );
else if ( hasRightButton && !hasShift && !hasCtrl )
// zoom in/out
float dist = mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint();
dist -= dist * dy * 0.01f;
mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( dist );

mMousePos = QPoint( mouse->x(), mouse->y() );

void QgsCameraController::onWheel( Qt3DInput::QWheelEvent *wheel )
float scaling = ( ( wheel->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) ? 0.1f : 1.0f ) / 1000.f;
float dist = mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint();
dist -= dist * scaling * wheel->angleDelta().y();
mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( dist );

void QgsCameraController::onMousePressed( Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent *mouse )
Q_UNUSED( mouse );
mKeyboardHandler->setFocus( true );

void QgsCameraController::onMouseReleased( Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent *mouse )
Q_UNUSED( mouse );

void QgsCameraController::onKeyPressed( Qt3DInput::QKeyEvent *event )
bool hasShift = ( event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier );
bool hasCtrl = ( event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier );

int tx = 0, ty = 0, tElev = 0;
switch ( event->key() )
case Qt::Key_Left:
tx -= 1;
case Qt::Key_Right:
tx += 1;

case Qt::Key_Up:
ty += 1;
case Qt::Key_Down:
ty -= 1;

case Qt::Key_PageDown:
tElev -= 1;
case Qt::Key_PageUp:
tElev += 1;

if ( tx || ty )
if ( !hasShift && !hasCtrl )
float yaw = mCameraPose.headingAngle();
float dist = mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint();
float x = tx * dist * 0.02f;
float y = -ty * dist * 0.02f;

// moving with keyboard - take into account yaw of camera
float t = sqrt( x * x + y * y );
float a = atan2( y, x ) - yaw * M_PI / 180;
float dx = cos( a ) * t;
float dy = sin( a ) * t;

QgsVector3D center = mCameraPose.centerPoint();
center.set( center.x() + dx, center.y(), center.z() + dy );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );
updateCameraFromPose( true );
else if ( hasShift && !hasCtrl )
// rotate/tilt using keyboard (camera moves as it rotates around its view center)
float pitch = mCameraPose.pitchAngle();
float yaw = mCameraPose.headingAngle();
pitch -= ty; // down key = moving camera toward terrain
yaw -= tx; // right key = moving camera clockwise
mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( pitch );
mCameraPose.setHeadingAngle( yaw );
else if ( hasCtrl && !hasShift )
// rotate/tilt using keyboard (camera stays at one position as it rotates)
float diffPitch = ty; // down key = rotating camera down
float diffYaw = -tx; // right key = rotating camera to the right
rotateCamera( diffPitch, diffYaw );
updateCameraFromPose( true );

if ( tElev )
QgsVector3D center = mCameraPose.centerPoint();
center.set( center.x(), center.y() + tElev * 10, center.z() );
mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );
updateCameraFromPose( true );

void QgsCameraController::onKeyReleased( Qt3DInput::QKeyEvent *event )
Q_UNUSED( event );

void QgsCameraController::onPickerMousePressed( Qt3DRender::QPickEvent *pick )
mLastPressedHeight = pick->worldIntersection().y();
65 changes: 26 additions & 39 deletions src/3d/qgscameracontroller.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,9 +18,26 @@

#include "qgis_3d.h"

#include <QPointer>
#include <QRect>
#include <Qt3DCore/QEntity>
#include <Qt3DInput>
#include <Qt3DRender>

namespace Qt3DInput
class QKeyEvent;
class QKeyboardDevice;
class QKeyboardHandler;
class QMouseEvent;
class QMouseDevice;
class QMouseHandler;
class QWheelEvent;

namespace Qt3DRender
class QCamera;
class QPickEvent;

#include "qgscamerapose.h"

@@ -120,6 +137,7 @@ class _3D_EXPORT QgsCameraController : public Qt3DCore::QEntity

void rotateCamera( float diffPitch, float diffYaw );
void updateCameraFromPose( bool centerPointChanged = false );

//! Emitted when camera has been updated
@@ -129,6 +147,11 @@ class _3D_EXPORT QgsCameraController : public Qt3DCore::QEntity

private slots:
void onPositionChanged( Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent *mouse );
void onWheel( Qt3DInput::QWheelEvent *wheel );
void onMousePressed( Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent *mouse );
void onMouseReleased( Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent *mouse );
void onKeyPressed( Qt3DInput::QKeyEvent *event );
void onKeyReleased( Qt3DInput::QKeyEvent *event );
void onPickerMousePressed( Qt3DRender::QPickEvent *pick );

@@ -146,50 +169,14 @@ class _3D_EXPORT QgsCameraController : public Qt3DCore::QEntity

//! Last mouse position recorded
QPoint mMousePos;
//! Mouse position used in the previous frame
QPoint mLastMousePos;

//! Delegates mouse events to the attached MouseHandler objects
Qt3DInput::QMouseDevice *mMouseDevice = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QKeyboardDevice *mKeyboardDevice = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QMouseHandler *mMouseHandler = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QKeyboardHandler *mKeyboardHandler = nullptr;

* Allows us to define a set of actions that we wish to use
* (it is a component that can be attached to 3D scene)
Qt3DInput::QLogicalDevice *mLogicalDevice = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAction *mLeftMouseButtonAction = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QActionInput *mLeftMouseButtonInput = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAction *mMiddleMouseButtonAction = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QActionInput *mMiddleMouseButtonInput = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAction *mRightMouseButtonAction = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QActionInput *mRightMouseButtonInput = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAction *mShiftAction = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QActionInput *mShiftInput = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAction *mCtrlAction = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QActionInput *mCtrlInput = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAxis *mWheelAxis = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QAnalogAxisInput *mMouseWheelInput = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAxis *mTxAxis = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QAxis *mTyAxis = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput *mKeyboardTxPosInput = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput *mKeyboardTyPosInput = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput *mKeyboardTxNegInput = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput *mKeyboardTyNegInput = nullptr;

Qt3DInput::QAxis *mTelevAxis = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput *mKeyboardTelevPosInput = nullptr;
Qt3DInput::QButtonAxisInput *mKeyboardTelevNegInput = nullptr;

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/app/3d/qgs3dmapcanvas.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <Qt3DExtras/Qt3DWindow>
#include <Qt3DRender/QRenderCapture>
#include <QMouseEvent>

#include "qgscameracontroller.h"
#include "qgs3dmapsettings.h"

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