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add test for Create random raster alg
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root676 authored and nyalldawson committed Apr 20, 2020
1 parent 186936f commit f5d5668
Showing 1 changed file with 316 additions and 0 deletions.
316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/analysis/testqgsprocessingalgs.cpp
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "limits"

#include "qgstest.h"
#include "qgsprocessingregistry.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +118,9 @@ class TestQgsProcessingAlgs: public QObject
void raiseException();
void raiseWarning();

void randomRaster_data();
void randomRaster();

void filterByLayerType();
void conditionalBranch();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3023,6 +3027,318 @@ void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::raiseWarning()
QCOMPARE( feedback.errors, QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "you mighta screwed up boy, but i aint so sure" ) );

void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::randomRaster_data()
QTest::addColumn<QString>( "inputExtent" );
QTest::addColumn<Qgis::DataType>( "expectedDataType" );
QTest::addColumn<bool>( "succeeds" );
QTest::addColumn<QString>( "crs" );
QTest::addColumn<double>( "pixelSize" );
QTest::addColumn<double>( "lowerBound" );
QTest::addColumn<double>( "upperBound" );
QTest::addColumn<int>( "typeId" );

QTest::newRow( "testcase 1" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Byte
<< true
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 1.0 //should be min max
<< 0;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 2" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Byte
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< -1.0 //fails --> value too small for byte
<< 10.0 //fails --> value too large
<< 0;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 3" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Byte
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 256.0 //fails --> value too big for byte
<< 0;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 4" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Int16
<< true
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 10.0
<< 1;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 5" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Int16
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< -32769.0
<< -10.0
<< 1;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 6" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Int16
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 32769.0
<< 1;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 7" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::UInt16
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< -1.0
<< 12.0
<< 2;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 8" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::UInt16
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 100.0
<< -1.0
<< 2;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 9" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::UInt16
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 0.0
<< 65536.0
<< 2;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 10" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Int32
<< true
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 12.0
<< 3;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 10" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Int32
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 15.0
<< 12.0
<< 3;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 11" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Int32
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< -2147483649.0
<< 1.0
<< 3;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 12" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Int32
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 2147483649.0
<< 3;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 13" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::UInt32
<< true
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 12.0
<< 4;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 14" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::UInt32
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 1.0
<< 4294967296.0
<< 4;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 14" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::UInt32
<< false
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< -10.0
<< -1.0
<< 4;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 16" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Float32
<< true
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< 0.0
<< 12.12
<< 5;

QTest::newRow( "testcase 17" )
<< "-3.000000000,7.000000000,-4.000000000,6.000000000 [EPSG:4326]"
<< Qgis::Float64
<< true
<< "EPSG:4326"
<< 1.0
<< -15.0
<< 12.125789212532487
<< 6;


void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::randomRaster()
QFETCH( QString, inputExtent );
QFETCH( Qgis::DataType, expectedDataType );
QFETCH( bool, succeeds );
QFETCH( QString, crs );
QFETCH( double, pixelSize );
QFETCH( double, lowerBound );
QFETCH( double, upperBound );
QFETCH( int, typeId );

if ( qgsDoubleNear( lowerBound, upperBound ) )
//if bounds are the same, use numeric min and max as bounds
switch ( typeId )
case 0:
lowerBound = std::numeric_limits<quint8>::min();
upperBound = std::numeric_limits<quint8>::max();
case 1:
lowerBound = std::numeric_limits<qint16>::min();
upperBound = std::numeric_limits<qint16>::max();
case 2:
lowerBound = std::numeric_limits<quint16>::min();
upperBound = std::numeric_limits<quint16>::max();
case 3:
lowerBound = std::numeric_limits<qint32>::min();
upperBound = std::numeric_limits<qint32>::max();
case 4:
lowerBound = std::numeric_limits<quint32>::min();
upperBound = std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max();
case 5:
lowerBound = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
upperBound = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
case 6:
lowerBound = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
upperBound = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

//prepare input params
QgsProject p;
std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingAlgorithm > alg( QgsApplication::processingRegistry()->createAlgorithmById( QStringLiteral( "native:createrandomrasterlayer" ) ) );

QString myDataPath( TEST_DATA_DIR ); //defined in CmakeLists.txt

//set project crs and ellipsoid from input layer
p.setCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( crs ), true );

//set project after layer has been added so that transform context/ellipsoid from crs is also set
std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingContext > context = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingContext >();
context->setProject( &p );

QVariantMap parameters;

parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "EXTENT" ), inputExtent );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "TARGET_CRS" ), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( crs ) );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "PIXEL_SIZE" ), pixelSize );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT_TYPE" ), typeId );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "LOWER_BOUND" ), lowerBound );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "UPPER_BOUND" ), upperBound );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), QgsProcessing::TEMPORARY_OUTPUT );

bool ok = false;
QgsProcessingFeedback feedback;
QVariantMap results;

if ( !succeeds )
//verify if user feedback for unacceptable values are thrown
alg->run( parameters, *context, &feedback, &ok );
QCOMPARE( ok, succeeds );
//run alg...
results = alg->run( parameters, *context, &feedback, &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );

//...and check results with expected datasets
std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterLayer> outputRaster = qgis::make_unique< QgsRasterLayer >( results.value( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ).toString(), "output", "gdal" );
std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterInterface > outputInterface( outputRaster->dataProvider()->clone() );

QCOMPARE( outputInterface->dataType( 1 ), expectedDataType );

QgsRasterIterator outputIter( outputInterface.get() );
outputIter.startRasterRead( 1, outputRaster->width(), outputRaster->height(), outputInterface->extent() );
int outputIterLeft = 0;
int outputIterTop = 0;
int outputIterCols = 0;
int outputIterRows = 0;

std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterBlock > outputRasterBlock;

while ( outputIter.readNextRasterPart( 1, outputIterCols, outputIterRows, outputRasterBlock, outputIterLeft, outputIterTop ) )
for ( int row = 0; row < outputIterRows; row++ )
for ( int column = 0; column < outputIterCols; column++ )
double outputValue = outputRasterBlock->value( row, column );
//check if random values are in range
QVERIFY( outputValue >= lowerBound && outputValue <= upperBound );

void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::filterByLayerType()
QgsProject p;
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