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[labeling] Ensure "merge connected features" setting works correctly
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with line networks that contains forks and branches

And simplify memory management

Refs #12173
  • Loading branch information
nyalldawson committed May 30, 2019
1 parent 7213030 commit e0aa09c
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Showing 4 changed files with 85 additions and 43 deletions.
59 changes: 18 additions & 41 deletions src/core/pal/layer.cpp
Expand Up @@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ Layer::~Layer()
qDeleteAll( mFeatureParts );
qDeleteAll( mObstacleParts );

//should already be empty
qDeleteAll( mConnectedHashtable );

delete mFeatureIndex;
delete mObstacleIndex;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,19 +281,7 @@ void Layer::addFeaturePart( FeaturePart *fpart, const QString &labelText )
// add to hashtable with equally named feature parts
if ( mMergeLines && !labelText.isEmpty() )
QLinkedList< FeaturePart *> *lst;
if ( !mConnectedHashtable.contains( labelText ) )
// entry doesn't exist yet
lst = new QLinkedList<FeaturePart *>;
mConnectedHashtable.insert( labelText, lst );
mConnectedTexts << labelText;
lst = mConnectedHashtable.value( labelText );
lst->append( fpart ); // add to the list
mConnectedHashtable[ labelText ].append( fpart );

Expand All @@ -313,18 +298,18 @@ void Layer::addObstaclePart( FeaturePart *fpart )
mObstacleIndex->Insert( bmin, bmax, fpart );

static FeaturePart *_findConnectedPart( FeaturePart *partCheck, QLinkedList<FeaturePart *> *otherParts )
static FeaturePart *_findConnectedPart( FeaturePart *partCheck, const QVector<FeaturePart *> &otherParts )
// iterate in the rest of the parts with the same label
QLinkedList<FeaturePart *>::const_iterator p = otherParts->constBegin();
while ( p != otherParts->constEnd() )
auto it = otherParts.constBegin();
while ( it != otherParts.constEnd() )
if ( partCheck->isConnected( *p ) )
if ( partCheck->isConnected( *it ) )
// stop checking for other connected parts
return *p;
return *it;

return nullptr; // no connected part found...
Expand All @@ -334,21 +319,24 @@ void Layer::joinConnectedFeatures()
// go through all label texts
int connectedFeaturesId = 0;
const auto constMConnectedTexts = mConnectedTexts;
for ( const QString &labelText : constMConnectedTexts )
for ( auto it = mConnectedHashtable.constBegin(); it != mConnectedHashtable.constEnd(); ++it )
if ( !mConnectedHashtable.contains( labelText ) )
continue; // shouldn't happen

const QString labelTExt = it.key();
QVector<FeaturePart *> parts = it.value();

QLinkedList<FeaturePart *> *parts = mConnectedHashtable.value( labelText );
// need to start with biggest parts first, to avoid merging in side branches before we've
// merged the whole of the longest parts of the joined network
std::sort( parts.begin(), parts.end(), []( FeaturePart * a, FeaturePart * b )
return a->length() > b->length();
} );

// go one-by-one part, try to merge
while ( !parts->isEmpty() && parts->count() > 1 )
while ( parts.count() > 1 )
// part we'll be checking against other in this round
FeaturePart *partCheck = parts->takeFirst();
FeaturePart *partCheck = parts.takeFirst();

FeaturePart *otherPart = _findConnectedPart( partCheck, parts );
if ( otherPart )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,19 +367,8 @@ void Layer::joinConnectedFeatures()

// we're done processing feature parts with this particular label text
delete parts;
mConnectedHashtable.remove( labelText );

// we're done processing connected features

//should be empty, but clear to be safe
qDeleteAll( mConnectedHashtable );


int Layer::connectedFeatureId( QgsFeatureId featureId ) const
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/core/pal/layer.h
Expand Up @@ -304,8 +304,7 @@ namespace pal
//obstacle r-tree
RTree<FeaturePart *, double, 2, double, 8, 4> *mObstacleIndex;

QHash< QString, QLinkedList<FeaturePart *>* > mConnectedHashtable;
QStringList mConnectedTexts;
QHash< QString, QVector<FeaturePart *> > mConnectedHashtable;
QHash< QgsFeatureId, int > mConnectedFeaturesIds;

QMutex mMutex;
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66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/core/testqgslabelingengine.cpp
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class TestQgsLabelingEngine : public QObject
void testParallelLabelSmallFeature();
void testAdjacentParts();
void testTouchingParts();
void testMergingLinesWithForks();
void testLabelBoundary();
void testLabelBlockingRegion();
void testLabelRotationWithReprojection();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -915,6 +916,71 @@ void TestQgsLabelingEngine::testTouchingParts()
QVERIFY( imageCheck( QStringLiteral( "label_multipart_touching_lines" ), img, 20 ) );

void TestQgsLabelingEngine::testMergingLinesWithForks()
// test that the "merge connected features" setting works well with line networks
// containing forks and small side branches
QgsPalLayerSettings settings;
setDefaultLabelParams( settings );

QgsTextFormat format = settings.format();
format.setSize( 20 );
format.setColor( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
settings.setFormat( format );

settings.fieldName = QStringLiteral( "'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'" );
settings.isExpression = true;
settings.placement = QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved;
settings.labelPerPart = false;
settings.mergeLines = true;

// if treated individually, none of these parts are long enough for the label to fit -- but the label should be rendered if the mergeLines setting is true
std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer> vl2( new QgsVectorLayer( QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=epsg:3946&field=id:integer" ), QStringLiteral( "vl" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) ) );
vl2->setRenderer( new QgsNullSymbolRenderer() );

QgsFeature f;
f.setAttributes( QgsAttributes() << 1 );
f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString (190000 5000010, 190100 5000000)" ) ) );
QVERIFY( vl2->dataProvider()->addFeature( f ) );
// side branch
f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString (190100 5000000, 190100 5000010)" ) ) );
QVERIFY( vl2->dataProvider()->addFeature( f ) );
// side branch
f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString (190100 5000000, 190100 4999995)" ) ) );
QVERIFY( vl2->dataProvider()->addFeature( f ) );
// main road continues, note that we deliberately split this up into non-consecutive sections, just for extra checks!
f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString (190120 5000000, 190200 5000000)" ) ) );
QVERIFY( vl2->dataProvider()->addFeature( f ) );
f.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString (190120 5000000, 190100 5000000)" ) ) );
QVERIFY( vl2->dataProvider()->addFeature( f ) );

vl2->setLabeling( new QgsVectorLayerSimpleLabeling( settings ) ); // TODO: this should not be necessary!
vl2->setLabelsEnabled( true );

// make a fake render context
QSize size( 640, 480 );
QgsMapSettings mapSettings;
mapSettings.setDestinationCrs( vl2->crs() );

mapSettings.setOutputSize( size );
mapSettings.setExtent( vl2->extent() );
mapSettings.setLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << vl2.get() );
mapSettings.setOutputDpi( 96 );

QgsLabelingEngineSettings engineSettings = mapSettings.labelingEngineSettings();
engineSettings.setFlag( QgsLabelingEngineSettings::UsePartialCandidates, false );
engineSettings.setFlag( QgsLabelingEngineSettings::DrawLabelRectOnly, true );
//engineSettings.setFlag( QgsLabelingEngineSettings::DrawCandidates, true );
mapSettings.setLabelingEngineSettings( engineSettings );

QgsMapRendererSequentialJob job( mapSettings );

QImage img = job.renderedImage();
QVERIFY( imageCheck( QStringLiteral( "label_multipart_touching_branches" ), img, 20 ) );

void TestQgsLabelingEngine::testLabelBoundary()
// test that no labels are drawn outside of the specified label boundary
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