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Revert "Fix Topological editing when CRS are different"
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nyalldawson authored and github-actions[bot] committed Mar 1, 2021
1 parent 64422d6 commit cdc2fd4
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Showing 3 changed files with 5 additions and 129 deletions.
14 changes: 1 addition & 13 deletions src/app/qgsmaptooladdfeature.cpp
Expand Up @@ -98,19 +98,7 @@ void QgsMapToolAddFeature::digitized( const QgsFeature &f )
if ( i ).layer() )
// transform geometry to vlayer crs and add topological point
QgsGeometry geom( f.geometry() );
geom.transform( QgsCoordinateTransform( vlayer->crs(), i ).layer()->crs(), i ).layer()->transformContext() ) ); i ).layer()->addTopologicalPoints( geom.vertexAt( i ) );
catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
Q_UNUSED( cse )
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "transformation to layer coordinate failed" ) );
} i ).layer()->addTopologicalPoints( f.geometry().vertexAt( i ) );
vlayer->addTopologicalPoints( f.geometry() );
Expand Down
33 changes: 3 additions & 30 deletions src/gui/qgsmaptoolcapture.cpp
Expand Up @@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ int QgsMapToolCapture::fetchLayerPoint( const QgsPointLocator::Match &match, Qgs
QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mCanvas->currentLayer() );
QgsVectorLayer *sourceLayer = match.layer();
if ( match.isValid() && ( match.hasVertex() || ( QgsProject::instance()->topologicalEditing() && ( match.hasEdge() || match.hasMiddleSegment() ) ) ) && sourceLayer )

if ( match.isValid() && ( match.hasVertex() || ( QgsProject::instance()->topologicalEditing() && ( match.hasEdge() || match.hasMiddleSegment() ) ) ) && sourceLayer &&
( sourceLayer->crs() == vlayer->crs() ) )
QgsFeature f;
QgsFeatureRequest request;
Expand All @@ -483,34 +483,7 @@ int QgsMapToolCapture::fetchLayerPoint( const QgsPointLocator::Match &match, Qgs
return 2;
QgsLineString line( geom.constGet()->vertexAt( vId ), geom.constGet()->vertexAt( vId2 ) );

QgsPoint pt( match.point() );
// Transform point to sourceLayer crs, since vId and vId2 coordinates are in sourceLayer crs
if ( sourceLayer->crs() != QgsProject::instance()->crs() )
pt.transform( QgsCoordinateTransform( QgsProject::instance()->crs(), sourceLayer->crs(), sourceLayer->transformContext() ) );
catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
Q_UNUSED( cse )
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "transformation to layer coordinate failed" ) );
return 2;
layerPoint = QgsGeometryUtils::closestPoint( line, pt );
// (re)Transform layerPoint to vlayer crs
layerPoint.transform( QgsCoordinateTransform( sourceLayer->crs(), vlayer->crs(), vlayer->transformContext() ) );
catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
Q_UNUSED( cse )
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "transformation to layer coordinate failed" ) );
return 2;

layerPoint = QgsGeometryUtils::closestPoint( line, QgsPoint( match.point() ) );
Expand Down
87 changes: 1 addition & 86 deletions tests/src/app/testqgsmaptooladdfeatureline.cpp
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ class TestQgsMapToolAddFeatureLine : public QObject
void testTopologicalEditingZ();
void testCloseLine();
void testSelfSnapping();
void testDifferentCrs();

QgisApp *mQgisApp = nullptr;
Expand All @@ -90,8 +89,6 @@ class TestQgsMapToolAddFeatureLine : public QObject
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerLine2D = nullptr;
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerCloseLine = nullptr;
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerSelfSnapLine = nullptr;
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerCRS3946Line = nullptr;
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerCRS3945Line = nullptr;
QgsFeatureId mFidLineF1 = 0;
QgsFeatureId mFidCurvedF1 = 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,19 +235,8 @@ void TestQgsMapToolAddFeatureLine::initTestCase()
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerSelfSnapLine );

// make layers with different CRS
mLayerCRS3946Line = new QgsVectorLayer( QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=EPSG:3946" ), QStringLiteral( "layer line" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
QVERIFY( mLayerCRS3946Line ->isValid() );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerCRS3946Line );

mLayerCRS3945Line = new QgsVectorLayer( QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=EPSG:3945" ), QStringLiteral( "layer line" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
QVERIFY( mLayerCRS3945Line ->isValid() );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerCRS3945Line );

// add layers to canvas
mCanvas->setLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerLine << mLayerLineCurved << mLayerLineCurvedOffset << mLayerLineZ << mLayerPointZM << mLayerTopoZ << mLayerLine2D << mLayerSelfSnapLine << mLayerCRS3946Line << mLayerCRS3945Line );
mCanvas->setLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerLine << mLayerLineCurved << mLayerLineCurvedOffset << mLayerLineZ << mLayerPointZM << mLayerTopoZ << mLayerLine2D << mLayerSelfSnapLine );
mCanvas->setSnappingUtils( new QgsMapCanvasSnappingUtils( mCanvas, this ) );

// create the tool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -800,76 +786,5 @@ void TestQgsMapToolAddFeatureLine::testSelfSnapping()


void TestQgsMapToolAddFeatureLine::testDifferentCrs()

TestQgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizingUtils utils( mCaptureTool );
QSet<QgsFeatureId> oldFids = utils.existingFeatureIds();
mCanvas->setDestinationCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( QStringLiteral( "EPSG:3946" ) ) );

// Prepare geometries
QgsPolylineXY line1;
line1 << QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) << QgsPointXY( 0, 10 );
QgsFeature lineF1;
lineF1.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPolylineXY( line1 ) );

mLayerCRS3946Line->addFeature( lineF1 );
QgsFeatureId mFidLine3946 =;
QCOMPARE( mLayerCRS3946Line->featureCount(), ( long )1 );
// just one added feature
QCOMPARE( mLayerCRS3946Line->undoStack()->index(), 1 );

// Draw the line to avoid some error with the projections
mCanvas->setCurrentLayer( mLayerCRS3945Line );
utils.mouseClick( 8, 2, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
utils.mouseClick( 8, 8, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
utils.mouseClick( 8, 8, Qt::RightButton );
QgsFeatureId mFidLine3945 = utils.newFeatureId( oldFids );
QCOMPARE( mLayerCRS3945Line->featureCount(), ( long )1 );
// just one added feature
QCOMPARE( mLayerCRS3945Line->undoStack()->index(), 1 );

mCanvas->setCurrentLayer( mLayerCRS3946Line );

QgsSnappingConfig cfg = mCanvas->snappingUtils()->config();
cfg.setEnabled( true );
cfg.setMode( QgsSnappingConfig::AllLayers );
cfg.setTypeFlag( QgsSnappingConfig::SegmentFlag );
cfg.setTolerance( 50 );
cfg.setUnits( QgsTolerance::Pixels );

bool topologicalEditing = cfg.project()->topologicalEditing();
cfg.project()->setTopologicalEditing( true );

mCanvas->snappingUtils()->setConfig( cfg );

utils.mouseClick( -2, 4, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
utils.mouseClick( 0, 4, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
utils.mouseClick( 2, 4, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
utils.mouseClick( 2, 4, Qt::RightButton );

QString new3946Wkt = "LineString (0 0, 0 4, 0 10)";

QCOMPARE( mLayerCRS3946Line->getFeature( mFidLine3946 ).geometry().asWkt( 0 ), new3946Wkt ); // use wkt to avoid float rounding errors

// same test with a layer with a different CRS
mCanvas->setCurrentLayer( mLayerCRS3945Line );
utils.mouseClick( 0, 4, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
utils.mouseClick( 8, 4, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
utils.mouseClick( 8, 4, Qt::RightButton );

// (2 2, 8 2, 8 4, 8 8) transformed from 3946 to 3945
QString new3945Wkt = "LineString (17441.5859966475982219 -862119.21677098423242569, 17441.58100318093784153 -862117.23846332356333733, 17441.57101624645292759 -862113.28184797242283821)";
QCOMPARE( mLayerCRS3945Line->getFeature( mFidLine3945 ).geometry().asWkt( 2 ), QgsGeometry::fromWkt( new3945Wkt ).asWkt( 2 ) );

cfg.project()->setTopologicalEditing( topologicalEditing );
mCanvas->setDestinationCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( QStringLiteral( "EPSG:27700" ) ) );

QGSTEST_MAIN( TestQgsMapToolAddFeatureLine )
#include "testqgsmaptooladdfeatureline.moc"

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